How to sell your 1st NFT Artwork

Shawn Shang, 尚夆
Published in
4 min readAug 6, 2021

Crypto arts have been exposed to the art scene recently and people are interested and eager to invest in it as its sale volume skyrocket to several billion USD in the first half-year of 2021. This gives incentive for artists regardless of traditional or digital medium to shift their artwork into NFTs that it provides a great return in sales, and you follow the trend impulsively without consideration.

However, it turns out that you could not earn enough to cover the minting and gas fee of your NFTs, or even could not sell off any of your NFT collection.

Marketing Yourself and your work

Inevitable, selling art itself is not easy, selling crypto art makes it more difficult since it might not be known or familiar to the public. Therefore, the main challenge would be “How do I get people to know that I make NFTs in the first place?” Artists have a misconception that minting and listing NFTs on a well know platform will eventually led to transactions as buyers will somehow draw attention and interest in their NFT artwork. Nevertheless, artists without a reputation could barely sell their NFT as their artwork is not known or recognized by potential buyers.

To build up your personal brand image, you have to marketing and promote yourself and your artwork. We are not mean you have to forfeit your ethics and aesthetics to become sell-out, however, it is necessary to build your reputation and putting yourself out to indicate your personality and engaged with people and hence, create a community with your core targeted audience. Harnessing the power of the right social media platform, the more work you share, the more those who admire your work will share it. That means your community is awarding you with free word of mouth marketing and could go viral. As a result, potential investors in the community who believe in your vision, are going to be willing to buy your NFTs.


Some say building a personal brand identity as an artist is complicated for artists as it diverse times and commitment in creating arts. It did take time for you to examine your unique selling point as to how you can think about your art as a service to others instead of something you just do for yourself. Through self-examination, you may rediscover yourself and create authentic content based on your own experience, values, and skillset. The content is not limited to the NFT itself but also could include:

🎬 Documentary process of the artwork
🎨 The making of the artwork
🔊 Sharing of your vision and introduce NFTs to your audience later
🎁 NFT Free giveaway as self-promotion

Where and when to post your content is also essential in building your fan base through social media. It is a 100% no to constantly spam your work on social media, and don’t be one of those artists that DM every person and chase them to look at their work. If you do that, there is a big chance you are just going to annoy the collectors and create a bad reputation for you and your work.

Besides, it is not the NFT, but the community that is holding value. If You screw up your reputation in these communities, you screw up your NFT’s value.

Below is the list of social media platforms where you could explore the opportunities to meet your potential collectors and get familiar with each other as NFT collectors tend to hang out among these community groups.

Follow Collectors on Twitter

Let’s begin with following all the NFT collectors and join in conversations and comments or share their tweets while using relevant hashtags.


Instagram Reels and TikTok

Instagram Reels and TikTok are designed in a way that shows your content also to people that don’t follow you, some people became famous all of the sudden with just one post with Instagram Reels and TikTok.

Just take your phone and shoot a 15- 20 second long video with a minimal effort to post on TikTok or Instagram. The first 3 seconds of a video MUST BE very engaging and interesting, otherwise people will skip your video and that is a bad signal to TikTok’s algorithm.

Join Discord and Telegram Groups

Each platform has its own Discord or Telegram channel, join those communities, talk to people and share your work — again don’t spam it. NFT collectors hang out in such groups very often so they will see if you spam your work.


You can find many different communities for creators to expose their work to collectors on Reddit. Please try to get to know people there and become visible in that way.


Clubhouse is definitely a place to go if you are serious about your NFT projects. There are millions of rooms open and talk about NFTs every day, they also have “share your work” Clubhouse meetings that allow you to share your work and people can check it out and talk to you. You can even find some rooms are open for purchasing NFTs from artists.

Overall, make a successful NFT transaction not simply happened by just minting and sell it on NFT marketplaces but involves cautious planning and strategies as a business decision on how you market yourself and approach your spectator.

Last but not least, time and effort are necessarily needed to engage in various NFT community groups, make sure you treat these engagements as a long-term investment in building up your core community audience and ultimately earn your 1st pot of gold in NFTs. Good luck!

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