How to create a contact form for website?

How to create a contact form for your website?
Published in
2 min readNov 25, 2019


Most probably, you have created your website with much effort, time and creativity, or you spent a lot of money on it. But, the results are not in the way you expect, your potential customers or visitors do not contact you, right? But this is not a destiny and you can change this situation or encourage your visitors to communicate with you through a web form. Therefore, you will get the attention you hope for and can increase the feedbacks. Thus, you may be able to improve your website based on the feedback you will get if this is what you want to do. Let’s begin.

Creating the Form

First of all, you need to find a reliable website to create your forms since any mistakes in the process may result in failure. For instance a bad structured form may scare your visitors and they may not want to reach you since it seems very awkward. On the other hand, if you want to accept direct emails through the contact form, “send” button may not work, resulting in annoying the visitors, and in turn staying away from your website. However, if you choose a trustworthy website to create your form, such as, you can forget all the distress. With its easy-to-use feature and eye-catching specifications you can create a well-established contact form. Let’s see how to create this contact form for your website.


Once you have completed the membership process, go to “my forms” section. Here, click the “create form”. Then you will see the templates of many form types as well as the blank page that you can fill it out in accordance with your needs. In this very page, select the template of contact form. When you entered the form page, fill out the information needed. Please note that the sections with red star must be filled since these are the mandatory fields for an efficient form. Nevertheless if you don’t want to fill these sections out, you can delete it. Because values your freedom and you are free to do whatever you need and want. Once you have completed the necessary fields such as name, and communication information including phone and e-mail address your form is ready to go. In addition, you can also add additional fields if you want to. Now save the form, set it public and post it to your website and here you go. It is this easy!

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