Announcing Bot Commander

Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2020

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Providing human-friendly access to running and monitoring automation doesn’t always come for free. RPA projects have non-technical stakeholders that are the likely end-users of an automation project. Providing these users direct access to an orchestrator or control room is not ideal. These platforms are power-tools and destructive mistakes can happen in them.

Alternatively, having to file a ticket to run a bot is also sub-optimal. Automation is supposed to streamline operations, not create more tickets.

What It Does

Bot Commander is a web-based interface that can launch bots on the UiPath and Robocorp platforms. It is built on nextjs and is fully extensible. It comes batteries included to handle:

  • Authorization of users with Auth0
  • TailwindCSS built-in for rapid prototyping of UI.
  • Ability to run automations on UiPath
  • Support for input arguments via web-based form
  • Support for viewing output values
  • Ability to run automations on Robocorp
  • Support for input arguments via web-based form
  • Support for viewing / downloading run artifacts files

Why Use It

Most RPA platforms have robust APIs that can be utilized to build whatever solution is needed. That being said, having to build a one-off API integration is not ideal and can slow down an automation project. Bot Commander gives you an elegant starting point to kick off processes that you can extend for your project needs.

It’s Mobile Friendly

One nice feature to call out is that this interface is mobile friendly out of the box. Bot Commander can provide a mobile interface for launching your processes without sacrificing security.


This project is ideal for automation developers. It requires only configuration to run and knowledge of javascript, specifically using nextjs to extend.

You can check out the code on Github.

You can listen to our podcast episode here.

