The Cryptocurrency Version of Amazon — A Cheaper Way To Sell

Patrick Manfra
Published in
6 min readNov 11, 2018
Forra — Cryptocurrency ecommerce marketplace

Cryptocurrency is changing the way payment processing works, Forra is the marketplace building that future for e-commerce sellers. Amazon is the largest marketplace in the world, we have taken some inspiration from the everything store and have decided to build what is essentially the cryptocurrency version of Amazon. You can buy and sell anything for Cryptocurrency using Forra. We find our mission and goals to be very much so in line with Amazon. We are more of a cryptocurrency company than Amazon, and because of this, we are able to provide our users with the cheapest way to do business online.

Forra is a marketplace for you to sell products for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash without fees. Click here to start selling. Or click here to see the marketplace itself.

We are comparing ourselves to Amazon in a sense that we are a similar marketplace but utilize cryptocurrency for its transactional efficiencies. If we explain Forra to someone they quickly understand who we are if we say “an alternative marketplace similar to Amazon that uses cryptocurrency.” They quickly catch on to what Forra is and how it can be very beneficial to e-commerce sellers, and buyers.

The main difference between Forra and Amazon

Amazon has upwards of 30% in fees when you use FBA, or upwards of 12% in fees when you sell without FBA. Forra has ZERO FEES.

We are recruiting Amazon sellers to sell on our platform

We are recruiting Amazon sellers to help grow their business, those who signup here will have their products showcased and advertised in our cryptocurrency marketplace, so long as they meet our criteria of being unique, useful, and have a pre-existing market.

Amazon sellers that are looking to sell their items and products for cryptocurrency now have a marketplace and sales outlet. Amazon sellers face a few issues that hold them back, these include fees. Our cryptocurrency version of Amazon is well worth the try if you are looking for a lower fee alternative to Amazon.

Our vision

Forra is the bridge between cryptocurrency and physical goods. We think that the future of e-commerce payments is going to be done using cryptocurrency. We are building that future so not only Amazon Sellers can use as an alternative but something that every e-commerce seller should be using. By using cryptocurrency for its transactional efficiencies we are able to give sellers an amazon alternative without fees.

After selling for years on Amazon and other marketplaces, I knew that there had to be a better way to sell online. A way to sell without fees came together once a passion for cryptocurrency flourished and the idea became a reality after finding a technical co-founder.

Cryptocurrency is the world’s currency, and we want to build tools that enable that future to exist and flourish. We wanted to make an Amazon alternative with low fees for ecommerce sellers. We knew it had to be for the beginner cryptocurrency person to the advanced Amazon seller. We have a lot planned in the roadmap of Forra. At any point in time, we will constantly iterate our product to fit our customers vision of what makes a marketplace great and spreads trust and good faith to the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Our online marketplace will have blockchain rich futuristic features that online selling platforms such as eBay and Amazon couldn’t have dreamed of. We are willing to build exactly what consumers want and not what is best for us. That is why we are a zero fee online marketplace focussed on the users’ experience.

How we are using blockchain technology

Forra is a company that is utilizing blockchain technology to create a person to person ecommerce marketplace. Our cryptocurrency marketplace is very similar to Amazon. We would even go as far as calling Forra the cryptocurrency version of Amazon as a way to sum our product up in a few words.

We utilize blockchain technology as a way to bring forth a marketplace that is for the people. A way for anyone to make the most out of any ecommerce transaction. A marketplace without fees could not exist without blockchain technology.

We use blockchain to enable a peer to peer ecommerce marketplace that will provide the best user experience for both buyers and sellers. We allow the items sold on our site to tell a story. Each and every item sold on site has a unique story associated to it. You and I might both own Iphones, but each is different. The same make and model is uniquely different because of the owners, and what that item has done in its lifetime. We allow users to have the ability to track their items that they formally owned and have sold on our Amazon-like marketplace.

We care about your items and want to make sellers the most important part of our business. Join the conversation in our discord and tell us what features you would like to see added.

Forra vs. Amazon

Amazon and Forra is a typical David and Goliath tale. Amazon is one of the largest companies in the world, Forra launched less than a month ago.

Cryptocurrency itself is a grassroots movement, selling on our platform must become that as well. Cryptocurrency as a whole has a slew of benefits for sellers that Amazon does not utilize. In some regards, we are a better place to sell than Amazon.

The Downside To Selling On Amazon

Amazon is the largest marketplace to sell on. It has a great infrastructure and plenty of people who make a full time living to be an Amazon seller. Undeniably almost any ecommerce seller should sell on Amazon, but there are a few downsides to selling on Amazon.

Not as seller friendly

Amazon is known to ban sellers fast and often. They have zero tolerance for any defects. This means that one wrong move and Amazon will squander your business. No matter how big your company is, it is only a drop in the ocean of Amazon.

Lack of opportunity

Amazon has over 3 Billion listings, almost all new products will get buried to the bottom of the rankings. One of the problems with Amazon is having your product get lost in a sea of similar products.

Unhonest about their fees

Amazon has a lot of different ways they make money off their sellers. For the most part, sellers do not necessarily know the exact amount of fees they are being charged when they list an item. Amazon is not clear with their fee structure and does not break it down when they bill you. Fees on Amazon are high. Fba fees can be so high that they can turn a profitable product into a total loss.

The Bitcoin version of Amazon

Hopefully, you understand why we would consider ourselves the cryptocurrency version of Amazon. We are a feeless alternative to selling on Amazon. If you would like to sell something for cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, we are that online marketplace.

For those of you looking for an alternative marketplace to Amazon Forra can help your business grow. Amazon sellers that have unique products or different ecommerce marketplace business models are welcome to list their items on our Amazon alternative.

Originally published at

