FortFC revolutionizes cryptocurrency

FortFC Admin
Fort Financial Crypto
4 min readNov 30, 2018

Yes, it is definitely true. And let me explain you why we are so confident that FortFC services will change all operations in crypto currencies very soon.

Can you imagine the situation when a herd of elephants tries urgently to run out of a building through a single narrow door that can pass only 1 elephant for every turn? This is exactly what happened in 2017 when Bitcoin and other digital currencies were dropping every day and huge numbers of crypto funds, exchangers, private investors and traders desperately tried to sell as soon as possible what they had bought before. However, there were far not enough buyers and the majority of traders could not get rid of crypto currencies and had no choice but to wait when sufficient demand will appear on crypto exchange to match their selling orders. While they were waiting, the price were falling. Consequently, traders and investors accumulated more and more losses while waiting. This case is a bright example of the lack of liquidity on cryptocurrency markets that became so apparent for whole crypto community in 2017.

The problem of insufficient liquidity on cryptocurrency markets became also clear for international brokerage house FortFS. FortFS started providing its clients with crypto currency trading since November 2017 and realized that it is hard sometimes to transfer client’s orders to a particular exchange due to the lack of matching orders and liquidity in general. This is how the idea to create a unique crypto liquidity engine was born inside the FortFS headquarters.

The new crypto liquidity aggregator FortFC (Fort Financial Crypto) was created by the professional team of currency and derivatives broker FortFS and started to provide crypto liquidity to the mother company since January 2018. At this moment all cryptocurrency trading in broker FortFS is processed via the aggregation engine of FortFC. How does FortFC solves the liquidity problem for FortFS and other currency brokers?

FortFC accumulates Buy and Sell orders simultaneously from the world’s largest and well known crypto exchanges via connected FortFC aggregation engine. This is how the constant stream of quotes is maintained and used to choose the best price to buy or sell orders from a particular crypto exchange at the every particular moment! In addition, the FortFC funds are deposited on every crypto exchange that supplies quotes to the FortFC engine. This combination offers all clients a unique opportunity to enjoy the best price from the accumulated liquidity pool at any time and to avoid the situation when liquidity of a particular broker or crypto exchange is not enough for clients. The solution offered by FortFC is gaining popularity rapidly. During last months FortFC connected a number of brokers and hedge funds as clients and continue to expand its corporate and retail clients base every month.

At this moment FortFC has a potential to serve over 150 000 clients from affiliated FortFS broker and other clients of FFS holding. We must note, that FortFC allows its customers not only to buy or sell cryptocurrency using this accumulated liquidity, but also to perform arbitrage trading between different crypto exchanges! For example, exchange A at this moment has lower price for Bitcoin than exchange B. Inside the FortFC trading terminal clients can buy Bitcoin on the exchange A and sell just after 0.1 second on the exchange B. This is how arbitrage profits can be made easily with FortFC. At this moment the organic demand for FortFC services is estimated to grow at least 150% yearly over the next 3–5 years. This calculations can be used by smart investors to forecast the pace of tokens price growth. The most interesting thing about FortFC in our opinion, is that no matter what will happen with major cryptocurrencies in the future, the FortFC will only win from every situation. For example, even if cryptocurrencies will drop, the need of liquidity will skyrocket and FortFC will accumulate big profits from providing the liquidity and charging commissions. In case, the cryptocurrencies will resume growing, more investors will join crypto world and FortFC will expand its clients base that will boost their turnover and commissions too. This is why we assume that FortFC’s tokens must be bought in every investors portfolio as a unique investment opportunity.

At this moment the FortFC is running Pre- ICO sales with discount 50% and the ICO will start on 16 February 2019. Therefore it is already possible to buy project tokens by registering on the official site We believe that ICO of FortFC is one of the most promising opportunity to invest in the future of the crypto industry innovation!

Evgeniy Filichkin - Chief Executive Officer of FortFC

