What A Weird And Wonderful Life

Above The Falls — Michael Dunstan

Alex Rosado
3 min readJan 5, 2022


Photo by Wan J. Kim on Unsplash

I love this song. It’s one of my favorites. I kept it close all 2021. Whether I was walking in the street of Paris, going to see my friends, or driving on the back roads of the United States, it always makes me feel the same.

It brings nostalgia to my heart. I’m sad, but I’m grateful.

If I listen and close my eyes, I like to think about the people I love. I picture my best friend and I, sitting side and side. Just a simple moment with a friend, taking time to appreciate what we have.

Life is great at being ironic. I’m writing about a song that gives me hope in dark times as I receive a text from my mother-in-law. My husband’s grandfather has COVID. My husband spent time with him on Monday. At work too, his colleagues are calling sick. He is the last one standing, and due for a test. I might be too.

Today, I was writing to an old friend, telling her how lucky I’ve been these past years. I’ve observed Covid outside my window, without ever facing it. I was never at risk, which I’m deeply grateful for. My loved ones are still doing good as well.

I suppose it couldn’t last. It’s our turn to give while others heal from painful situations.

Covid has given me the chance to reinvent myself. I started sharing my writing and trying to make it a career. I got closer to my family and my friends. I took time to learn the ukulele, embroidery, read books, watch movies and heal from old wounds. Covid gave me the time I needed.

I’m one of those people that have been doing okay and feeling guilty about it.

Until I hear about my husband, I’ll hold on to this song and the lyrics.

Another year fades by, sit and laugh and cry
Turn your head to the sky, said what a weird and wonderful life.
I’m so glad you’re here, by my side in the strangest of times.
I’m so glad you’re here, above the falls watching it all flow by.

And I’m so glad you’re here reading me, giving me your time and attention. Thank you for stopping by.

If you want to read a longer story about friendship, gratefulness, and unconditional love, check out my story.

And if you have a couple more minutes, check out EllenEastwood’s work. She is great.

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Alex Rosado

French. Oversharer. Occasional critic. A bit dramatic but still figuring things out