See you at ETHWaterloo!

Sean Li
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2019

ETHWaterloo is going to be a special day for us. Not only all three of Fortmatic’s co-founders survived the University of Waterloo, it’s also been a major milestone we set for ourselves to share Fortmatic’s most exciting release to-date. On top of all of this, we’re incredibly honored to announce that the Fortmatic team will be participating ETHWaterloo as a sponsor!

Events & Schedule

Our team will be staying in Waterloo, Canada from Nov. 8th-10th, so feel free to reach out and hangout with us anytime! We’ll be involved in a variety of activities and events:

  • Sharing what Fortmatic had been up to at opening ceremony
    Nov. 8th 7:00 — 8:30PM EST
  • Hosting a Hackathon API prize (more details later in this post)
    Grand Prize: $2,500 CAD
  • A workshop for you to learn more about Fortmatic — Solving Usability Problems with Delegated Key Management
    Nov. 8th 9:30 — 9:55PM EST, Room B-131
  • I will be joining a panel of amazing people to chat about the state of Web3: Kartik (A.Capital), Peter (Horizon Games), Dan (MIT Bitcoin Club), and Jonathan (Brave) — following presentations by Vitalik (Ethereum), Will (0x Protocol), Joey (Augur), and Michael (Wyre)! 🔥
    Nov. 9th, 2:00 — 2:40PM EST (Location & Register Here)

The Road (Back) to Waterloo

The early days — my co-founders Arthur and Jaemin going crazy hacking on the entire platform in the living room

We started hacking on Fortmatic on June 14th of 2018 in my co-founder’s living room, and we’ve been surfing the tornado ever since 🌪.

There were a lot of catching up to do to build a feasible MVP for dApp developers. We started with our key management infrastructure, then the widget UI, then the SDK, making sure it works with different versions of web3…bit by bit, after some intense period of building, we were ready to ready to launch our MVP beta at the first Ethereum conference we sponsored — ETHDenver.

It’s been close 9 months since Fortmatic’s debut at ETHDenver. It was the cornerstone of our existence — we were able to meet many incredibly talented, patient, and helpful developers and iterate closely with them on improving our MVP. We’ve been juggling between fighting fires and shipping features. Our entire team has been working around the clock to keep up with the passionate feedback and suggestions from the community, and gearing up towards our biggest release (version 1.0) at ETHWaterloo.

We’ve come a long way from 3 guys in a living room, and I would like to offer my deepest appreciation to all our integration partners and the Ethereum community — we wouldn’t be here without your patience, feedback, and support 🙏.

From working closely with our partners and the developer community, we were able to improve our security model and build many sweet new features that will make dApps even more accessible to the mainstream audience! 🔥 We’re currently privately testing this release with some of our partners and can’t wait to share them with you all at ETHWaterloo!

Fortmatic Hackathon API Prize

For ETHWaterloo, we’ll be giving out prizes totalling $3,000 CAD to the top 3 teams who build dApps that integrates Fortmatic as a login or key management option. DApps will be evaluated based on Originality, Practicality, and User Experience.

  • Grand Prize: $2,500 CAD or equivalent in DAI
  • Runner-up Prize: $250 CAD or equivalent in DAI (for remaining 2 teams)

For instructions on how to integrate Fortmatic into your dApp, please visit our documentation or reach out to us on Discord — our support team will take care of you!

That’s all! Looking forward to meeting you all at ETHWaterloo!

If you are interested in learning more about Fortmatic and integrating with us, make sure to join us in our Discord channel or tag us on Twitter!



Sean Li

ceo @magic_labs @fortmatic | ex-@docker @kitematic | @uwaterloo alumni