Year in Review 2019

Sean Li
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2019

It’s been 10 months 2 weeks since Fortmatic’s first public debut at ETHDenver 2019 (Feb 14) and launched our MVP (Minimal Viable Product).

We were preparing for the long haul, as the awareness for UX in the blockchain ecosystem was just picking up, and browser extensions and mobile wallet browsers were still the predominant ways to authenticate into dApps. Turns out, the narrative for bringing easy and familiar Web 2.0 authentication experience into Web 3.0 resonated with developers, and demand for what Fortmatic has to offer as an alternative onboarding solution is much higher than expected.

The conference catapulted us into a wild storm of customer inquiries and passionate feedback from the Ethereum community, and our team had been going at hyper-speed — juggling between fighting fires and shipping features, and working around the clock. I would like to offer my deepest appreciation to the entire Fortmatic team for working wonders and miracles, and to all our developers, partners, investors, advisors, and the Ethereum community — we wouldn’t be here without your patience, feedback, and support 🙏.

Here are some highlights of the year:


  • Completed the SOC 2 Type 1 Audit and preparing our solution to be enterprise-ready. This is a security standard pioneered by industry leaders such as Coinbase and Gemini — making us the world’s first web3 authentication provider to demonstrate this level of security compliance in safeguarding user assets and data.
  • After closely iterating with partners and users, we've pushed the boundaries on the balance between user experience and key management and successfully upgraded our security architecture to the non-custodial Delegated Key Management.
  • Launched our HackerOne bounty program.
  • Conducted penetration testing via NCC Group — no critical issues.

User Experience & Onboarding

  • Launched email and 2FA authentication on top of our phone number login from our initial MVP launch.
  • Launched fiat on-ramp via credit card. (partnered with MoonPay)
  • Conducted thousands of hours of user research, testing and launched a new and much slicker design of the Fortmatic widget, optimized for user conversion.
  • Launched custom theme feature for partners to modify the Fortmatic widget to use their primary brand color, logo, and choose between white/black versions. (examples: TokenSets, Zerion, Radar Relay)


  • Exited our public beta phase and launched post 1.0 versions of the Fortmatic SDK.
  • Onboarded over thousands of developers and app integrations.
  • Sponsored both ETHDenver and ETHWaterloo.
  • Launched the Fortmatic Enterprise pilot program for white-labeling, multi-blockchain, smart contract wallet, and multi-platform (iOS, Android, Unity) support.
  • Launched numerous features in our developer dashboard, such as domain verification and the ability to create multiple apps under one account.


What an incredible first year for Fortmatic and a way to end a decade! Thank you all SO much for your support! We can’t wait to show you what’s next!

Fortmatic offers an SDK for developers to implement their own authentication and key management experience for decentralized applications built on the Ethereum blockchain. Users will no longer have to wrestle with browser extensions like MetaMask and securing their seed phrases.

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Sean Li

ceo @magic_labs @fortmatic | ex-@docker @kitematic | @uwaterloo alumni