Case Study: Delivering delicious, healthy meals to one mobile user at a time.

Sam Blackie
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2021

This is how we optimised the UK’s number one Recipe Box to improve customer satisfaction, conversion rates and upselling through a brand refresh and user experience improvements.

The Challenge

Mindful Chef has been voted the UK’s number one Recipe Box and with celebrity endorsements from the likes of Andy Murray, Tom Daley and Fearne Cotton there is no question that their products are a hit with customers. With over 3 million meals sold their delicious and nutrition-rich recipes have proven to be a huge success, offering a convenient way to cook fresh and healthy meals.

Unfortunately, the digital offering was lacking that same convenience, with no easy way of navigating through the site, managing subscriptions or ordering on mobile.

That’s where we came in to help Mindful Chef improve the overall user experience and help increase subscription rates & product upselling by offering a more engaging mobile experience, including a brand new mobile app.

What We Did

We refined the navigation and focused on the delivery schedule to put users in the driving seat. A progress bar style feature helps users track their selections and move through the flow to checkout. Food imagery was supersized for visual impact, too.

You eat with your eyes first. Funnily enough, that’s also how you consume digital content.

UX Improvements

Data has shown that Additional Extras are correlated to high customer retention rates, so we made it a much more prominent section on the recipe selection. The improved placement of relevant information and imagery has increased upselling and overall conversion rates across the site.

Taking a data-centric approach is core to what we do, we are always on the look out for quick design wins to help increase checkout conversion & cross-selling rates.

Go Mobile or Go Home

With more than half of all internet traffic shopping from a mobile device these days, it is even more important to offer a convenient and engaging mobile experience.

Luckily we know all about the positive impact mobile apps can have on the bottom line of a business, increasing customer engagement and retention rates along the way.

Build, Test, Repeat

We still wanted to validate assumptions and prove the benefits of a Mobile App to Mindful Chef customers through cold, hard data.

We decided to keep the app very simple and straight to the point initially, focusing on existing customer and an easy way for them to re-order and manage their subscriptions.

React Native

Choosing React Native allowed us to develop with speed to support both iOS and Android while keeping costs and development time to a minimum.

With only one code base to maintain, it made it easy to keep both platforms aligned, and allowed us to test and iterate quickly.

Branding a Fresh New Look

Branding for Mindful Chef

We kept a familiar feel through layout and core-colour usage to maintain some consistency for current users — but got playful with fonts and accent colours to elevate the premium feel.

See more of our work on our website, as well as how we work and ways we can help you grow your brand.



Sam Blackie
Editor for

Marketing Manager at Fortnight Studio