Oh no, not another tech blog!

Forto Tech
Forto Tech
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2021

Welcome to the Forto technology team blog.

On the day we launched this blog in February 2021, the internet had more than 600 million blog posts! [According to internetlivestats.com].

That’s a very big number. Even if you discount the blogs that are not of interest (to me), irrelevant, or simply poorly written, you’d still need several lifetimes to read those blogs. So why, when there is already so much out there in cyberspace, would we add to this ever-increasing number? We’ve put a lot of thought into why we want to launch this blog. We’re not just doing it because it’s the thing to do. We know in advance what we will write about and who we are writing for. It’s not for everyone — there’s a particular target group for this blog, so read on to find out more.

Honesty and authenticity: a tech blog with a difference.

Forto is a technology company with a mission to transform and modernize the freight forwarding industry, an industry that is generally stuck in the past. We at Forto focus on new technologies and new challenges to build high-level and innovative solutions to change the world or at least the part that we operate in! The fact that we are a young company but already one of the fastest-growing digital freight forwarders worldwide shows that we must be doing something right.

Much of the content will be about technology. We will tell you about our success stories, best practices, the culture of innovation, the processes we use, how we collaborate, and how we constantly learn and develop new skills and knowledge as a team and as individuals. We will present case studies on how we’ve used technology to solve real challenges that we were facing and the outcomes of our efforts. The post about microfrontends is an excellent example.

Importantly, we’ll also tell you about our failed experiments. From the start, we decided that the one way to make our blog stand out from the crowd is to be honest and authentic. We’re not perfect, and we don’t always get it right, but we won’t hide this from you. We think you’ll appreciate this openness.

There’s more to a tech company than technology: it’s the people that make it stand out.

Although this is a tech blog, the content will not just be about technology. This is what we do, but it’s not the only thing that defines Forto as a stand-out company. This rapidly-expanding and fast-moving tech company based in the heart of Berlin is also a truly multicultural place to work. At the time of writing, nine people represented seven different nationalities in Forto’s tech blog team, including Germany, Pakistan, India, France, Nigeria, United Kingdom, and Jordan.

This is why there will be an equal amount of non-tech content. We want you to get a good idea of what Forto is like as a company and what makes it stand out as truly a great place to work. There’ll be stories about the day-to-day work of individuals in the tech team. We’ll give you insights into the company culture and the many different activities put in place to keep that culture healthy and meaningful. Members of the team who are from vastly different backgrounds will let you know about their journeys to Berlin and how they have, in some cases, overcome significant challenges just to get here.

We want you to get to know us as a company, but more importantly, who we are as people. You might be one of these people in the future.

Who is this blog for?

Forto’s tech blog is for all engineers, team leads, product managers, and designers, whether you’re just at the beginning of your career or a seasoned professional. It’s for those people who want to work on exciting projects, who want to make an impact, who want to learn and share their own experiences.

This one is worth reading.

There have probably been 100 new blogs added to cyberspace since you read this. Hopefully, we’ve done enough to convince you that this one is worth reading. Please interact, comment, and send us your questions to tech-blog@forto.com if you’d like to know more about anything we’ve written. Finally, don’t forget to keep an eye on our Career pages — we are expanding, and we would love you to join us.

About the author: Rashid Shobaki

Since he was a kid, Rashid has been fascinated with the computer as a magical machine and always dreamt of working as a computer engineer. At age 22, his dream came true when he graduated as a software engineer, and right after that he started his first entrepreneurial experience co-founding a company called iaraby. Growing up in Jordan, he always wanted to explore the tech world outside, and that’s why he traveled to Germany and is now working as an engineering manager at Forto. When not at his keyboard, Rashid has a passion for traveling and exploring new places and when not doing that, he likes nothing more than hanging out with his friends, playing board games, or listening to music.



Forto Tech
Forto Tech

We empower people to make better business decisions by digitizing supply chain processes with ground-breaking technology. Learn more: http://forto.com/en/career