What’s your goal? Growing Together with the Help of a Performance Management System

Fortra Armenia
Fortra Armenia
Published in
4 min readFeb 3, 2020
Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash
Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

Why HSA has a Performance management system?

At HelpSystems Armenia, we aim at creating an environment where our talents have everything necessary to realize their potential. The performance management system is the cornerstone of this particular objective we have.

There are five main reasons we practice the performance management system.
One of the first and obvious ones is creating a challenge! We want you to grow and take on harder tasks. Get better at what you do and learn new things. Another reason is motivation. Challenging goals and clear objectives keep you motivated to enhance your skills and knowledge.

It goes without saying that employee development benefits our company largely, and that’s the third reason. One of our core values states: “Happy employees make happy customers!” We want you to be, to feel good about your work, because if you can’t achieve your goals — we can’t achieve ours. It’s a win-win situation!

The fourth reason is that the performance management system helps us create and foster a culture of recognition, which is a key aspect of our overall culture, so we give a lot of importance to it. In a healthy work environment, effort and achievements should always be recognized.

And last but not least, it also directly helps us reward you. As we’ve mentioned before, your improvement is important both to you and to us. And we want to reward your effort, accomplishments, and contribution.

What is a Performance management system?

The performance management system is a process that allows employees, the HR department as well as the management of an organization to measure and acknowledge the performance of the team.

Often performance management systems include such components as:

  1. Goals and Objectives
  2. Individual Development Plans
  3. A Feedback Providing Process

The performance management system helps employees by collaborating with their direct managers and HR to create clear-cut expectations that allow them to define their career path and understand what is expected of their job. It helps the employees to have clarity, meet their goals and evaluate their own performance.

What is it like?

There are three main goal categories we use.

The first one is related to your job, the role you have in the team. These are directly connected with your responsibilities. Examples of such goals are projects, challenging pieces, technical skills to improve to be better at your job. Pretty straight forward, isn’t it?

The second is soft skills. Technical skills are important, but so are soft skills. They are a necessary variable to the formula of your success and enable your advancement further. No matter how talented you are in technical aspects, one can’t imagine a successful professional without strong soft skills such as communication, teamwork, productivity, problem-solving and much more.

The third category is professional & career development. This category covers the skills, knowledge, and abilities required for you to go to the next level, progress in your career. In our organization, these are mostly related to technical abilities. But for moving to a leading position soft skills usually play a bigger role. These have to empower you to reach the career goals you’ve set for yourself.

Each team member of HelpSystems picks goals from these categories and completes them. Often, they present the results to the rest of the team so everyone can benefit from this. They receive feedback from their supervisors as well as evaluate themselves.

Our performance management system is designed to reflect on both what you do and how you get it done. The feedback you receive will address both your accomplishments and output, as well as such aspects of your work as dedication, productivity, working in a team.

How does it help us?

We’ve designed our performance management system with a few objectives in mind. One of the core objectives is employee development. We know that any top performer is looking to develop their skills and advance in their career. This is important both for the employees and for us.

Another objective is to encourage transparent communication and collaboration within teams. This creates a space of structured feedback that can benefit everyone. It also allows the employees to be able to share information and celebrate each other’s achievements. Such a feedback culture also allows creating an honest environment where both good and bad performance can be acknowledged and assisted.

An important objective for us is employee recognition. With the system in place, we can reward the efforts of our employees and foster a culture of growth.

We’ve noticed that working with this system has allowed us to address all of our objectives and if needed tweak the components we have for better results. It’s always a process that changes as we go. One of the great benefits we’ve noticed while working in the system is that it attracts growth-oriented people. During interviews, it’s evident that for some people the system seems very exciting and some are concerned about it. So, it’s a great way to communicate our culture of growth from the get-go.

A performance management system is a wonderful tool for promoting growth and development, measuring performance and rewarding success. At HelpSystems we want our employees to grow in all aspects of their work and be able to become the best version of themselves in our space. The performance management system we use has helped us address all the objectives we’ve set for us and has allowed us to remain flexible in the adjustments we do. By using a system like this, we can engage talented employees better and allow them to be in charge of their own development.

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