3 Simple Ways I Generate Passive Income

Passive income is frequently sought after and often a confusing topic for many. Passive income requires an upfront investment of either time or money. In this post, I’ll cover the three simple methods that I use to purchase passive income.

Lauren Como
Fortune For Future


Photo Credit: Unsplash, by Travis Essinger

Passive Income Requires Active Income:

As a preface to this post, I need to get on my soapbox for a few seconds. Despite what any “guru” would like to tell you, there is no “magic way” to generate passive income into your bank account without any upfront work required. Simply put, passive income requires active income from your job, side hustle, or business. Also, many “gurus” on the internet will try to sell you on buying their course or e-book on passive income strategies, in which they’ll teach you how to design a course or e-book of your own. While I am not discounting that you can eventually earn passive income from launching a course or an e-book that others see value in and are willing to pay for, that strategy is still considered producing active income. Creating content to sell often requires building an audience, and that falls under generating active income.

