A lost generation? We don’t think so!

Reshaping the new normal post-corona

Evert Voshart
Fortune For Future
5 min readMay 27, 2020


Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash

This won’t be a piece that will argue that the millennials and generation Z are doomed to fail post-corona. It will show the potential that young people have and how they can exert their influence and potential now more than ever.

Let’s face it, this Coronavirus really sucks. Governments all over the world are spending billions on aid packages in order to deal with the coronavirus, in the US alone a staggering $2 trillion. Measures that are of course necessary to protect all of us right now, but according to experts there will be a generation that will be impacted the most on the long run, and that will be us, the young ones.

Experts have pointed out that the younger generation will eventually have to bear the costs of the current Corona measures taken by governments. On top of this, Dutch politician Karremans mentions that the housing shortage and governmental expenses to tackle the environmental crisis will in most countries be even more burdens that will fall on the younger generation. All of these exceeding expenses by governments need to be accounted for later on, and the millennials (1981–1996) and generation Z (1997–2012) are apparently going to do that. (If we will find and keep a job of course, it looks like that could become kind the struggle as well.)

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

On top of this, researchers have warned that if the Coronacrisis hasn’t been resolved by fall, some smaller US colleges and universities could end up in unsolvable financial trouble, and may never reopen again. Current students are therefore living in even bigger uncertainty because they might not even be able to get their degree .

It will also mean for the youngsters of Gen Z that they will come across more difficulties when getting into college (fewer spots, higher tuition, higher debt, you get the idea…)

You can imagine all of this will not really work as an incentive to apply for college.

Yes, I know you are thinking that this doesn’t look good at all. You’re totally right even though this is just a portion of it. But I promised you to not talk about a doom scenario, so let’s get you inspired.

Because right now, with all the insecurities going on in the world, we might not have the best starting position in life, but we are with a pretty big group with an even bigger voice, we just need to find that voice and stand up for ourselves. Because why should we be the ones that have to account for the problems that older generations have created? Fridays For Future is a perfect example of what a young generation is capable of in this world. Why should we be the ones that bear the costs of a pandemic that affects every generation? Voices have already been heard that argue for an elderly tax to support the young. As the Belgian economist De Neve explains, youngster are in fact taking the least benefit out of the corona measures because the younger generation’s health is less likely to be harshly affected by the virus. Now we are still obliging to these measures because it is common sense. So the decision makers of the world could cut us some slack in the future as a thank you, thank you very much.

Photo by Jessica Podraza on Unsplash

Now I don’t urge everyone, if governments will not treat us equally, to occupy the streets with thousands of people during this period of lockdown (I don’t even have that much followers), give them some time and trust. Decision makers might realize in time we are kinda vital for the future of the world after all.

But I want you to realize that there are opportunities for initiatives to show the establishment that the younger generation has a voice too when things go south for us! If you see that your government does not take your needs into consideration, don’t feel shy to look for for likeminded people and raise your voice. We need young leadership now more than ever!

Lastly, an uncertain future and a deficit in career opportunities does gives us a tremendous amount of creative freedom. There are more possibilities and opportunities than ever to finally start something creative. Something you have always wanted to do but you chose for the safe option of a busy education or a full-time job. For the first time those safe options might not seem like the most obvious or realistic choice anymore.

For example, I took this opportunity to start with my long wish to start writing articles. I never knew when or how to start but my home isolation has got me started. I found the time and inspiration and now it is your turn as well. You have endless options, think of what you’re good at and look for platforms to showcase your talent! This is the time, the perfect time.

Photo by Alice Dietrich on Unsplash

The perfect time to maybe start you own business in selling self made art, there are plenty of platforms on which you can do that. Offer your expertise in photography, or start editing videos. You can also gain new knowledge on various online teaching platforms to kick-start a new skill. Right now there is plenty of time to find out what you’re good at. The sky is literally the limit, you have plenty of time and nothing to lose. Your only limit is your own creativity.

Our generation is far from lost. With your creativity and potential you can take matters into your own hands. Don’t start feeling limited by the current situation and start shaping your own new future the way you want it to be!



Evert Voshart
Fortune For Future

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