How to scrape Zillow data for free without writing any code

Scrape websites to make better real estate investment decisions

Lakshay Akula
Fortune For Future


By the end, you’ll be able to extract data from Zillow like this

Note: This method will also work on other sites, like Redfin or Trulia. You just need to create your own scraper similar to the Zillow one outlined here. You can scrape any website using this process.

Before putting money into a real estate investment, it’s important to crunch the numbers, but getting the numbers in the first place can be a real pain. I used to look through Zillow listings, and copy + paste values into my Excel spreadsheet. I felt like I was panning for gold—simple but very, very time-consuming. There had to be a better way.

Web scraping was the obvious solution and there were many web scraping options available. Ultimately, I went with It was free, super easy to use, required no coding knowledge, and saved me countless hours—hours I was able to put towards actually thinking about my investment instead of mindlessly copying numbers on Zillow.

In this article, we’ll go through how to set up to work with Zillow to work with my Excel spreadsheet. But after reading this, you’ll be able to set it up for whatever data you want to scrape. You can scrape different data from Zillow or scrape from a different website entirely.

