Submit A Story To Fortune For Future

Jessica Saini
Fortune For Future
Published in
1 min readOct 7, 2019

Hello Writers,

We are a publication dedicated towards simplifying the complexities of Finance.

What kind of stories are we looking for?

We like to publish stories that explain the intricacies of Finance, Money, Investing in a succinct and simple manner.

If you would like to submit a story to Fortune For Future follow these easy steps.

  1. Leave a comment along with your Medium handle below and we will add you as a “Writer
  2. Once we have added you as a writer, go to “Edit” on any story that you wish to submit, click “Add to Publication” and select “Fortune For Future.
  3. We will either accept the story, make some edits to the story, or let you know if the story does not fit with this publication.
  4. You can also reach us through Email and send a request with your Medium handle.

We are eagerly waiting to see this publication grow and look forward to reading your stories :)



Jessica Saini
Fortune For Future

Witty Writer | Coder | Finance Enthusiast | Philosopher | Traveller