The Road to the Top 1%

How to Break Free from the Ordinary

Fortune For Future
4 min readMay 26, 2024


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“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma.” — Steve Jobs

Being in the top one per cent may sound like a glamorous title, but the path to achieving that exclusive status is not filled with extravagant parties and a never-ending stream of praise. On the contrary, it is paved with ideas that are contrary to the norm, risks that are calculated, and continuous execution. You have to go against the grain and embrace innovative ways if you truly want to be a part of the top 1%. While others adhere to the same old script, you must try something different.

Rethink Success

There is a widespread belief that in order to achieve the top one percent, one must have a flawless schedule, take supplements, and concentrate with a laser-like focus. There is a possibility that those factors will contribute to success; nonetheless, they are not the main motivating factors. To be successful, it is necessary to challenge the established norms, to think in ways that others do not, and to engage in courageous behaviours that others avoid. Taking this step requires you to leave your comfort zone and adopt a mindset that is willing to disrupt the established order of things.

Develop a Contrarian Idea

In order to effectively distinguish yourself from others, you need to begin with a notion that is opposite to the standard. This serves as the framework upon which successful companies are constructed by their owners. Take, for example, the most influential disruptors in history, such as Steve Jobs, who envisioned a world in which computers would be personal and even portable. Because of the extreme nature of his idea, many people disregarded it as absurd. It was a solution to a problem, and it altered the course of history.

Stepping back and asking yourself, “What problems are not being addressed?” is a necessary stage in the process of developing a contrarian concept. Which needs are still not being satisfied? What kinds of beliefs are open to criticism? The most effective contrarian ideas may at first appear to be silly; nonetheless, this is precisely what makes them so powerful: they find solutions to issues in ways that are unexpected.

Validate the Idea and Execute

It is one thing to have a fantastic concept, but it is another thing entirely to make that vision a reality by committing to carrying it out. It is at this moment that a great number of people get stuck. A comprehensive testing and validation process is required in order to ensure that your innovative concept is correct. Because of this, it is necessary to take chances and throw the dice, with the understanding that not every attempt will be successful.

Consider the situation with Elon Musk. His unconventional idea was that electric cars might become widespread, but he needed to demonstrate that this was possible. Musk was able to endure through the early years of Tesla, which were marked by a great deal of uncertainty and failure. His determination to put his unconventional vision into action resulted in the world’s highest-grossing automotive manufacturer in the year 2022. When it comes to execution, it is not about knowing all the answers; rather, it is about persistently moving forward, even when other people have doubts about you.

Learn from the Best

You should look to individuals who have already carved out their way to success if you are looking for inspiration for your journey. The success of Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and numerous other entrepreneurs can be attributed to their willingness to embrace unconventional ways of thinking and their dedication to carrying out a plan. Learn from their experiences, gain an understanding of their setbacks, and use the lessons you’ve learned in your own efforts.

Actionable Next Steps

This list of actionable steps will get you started on your road towards the top 1%:

Identify a Contrarian Idea: There is no need to hunt for it out of desperation. Maintain a mindset that is open to new possibilities and keep your eyes open. Take a determined approach to pursuing the concept once it has emerged.

Validate and Execute: Put your idea through rigorous testing, refinement, and execution. Failure is an inevitable component of the learning process, which may mean experiencing it multiple times.

Stay Consistent: It Takes Time to Build Something Great. Maintain your concentration on your objectives and get ready for a hard journey.

In order to put yourself on the path that leads to the top one per cent, you need to follow these steps. Remind yourself that the road ahead is not easy, but the rewards that come from thinking differently and accepting the challenge are well worth the effort.

Thanks for reading this article. You can reach my journey here on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Threads.



Fortune For Future

Content Creator & Entrepreneur | CEO of NXT LVL Studios & Ace Digital | Co-founder of Raze AI & CreatorKits