A Letter From the Editor

Sam Baldwin
Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2019

Hello and welcome to Forty-Two!

I am Sam Baldwin, your editor, and I am so excited to tell you more about our team and our mission.

Forty-Two is a space for young people to tell the stories that matter. We believe in the power of the personal narrative, and wanted to create a platform for these narratives to be developed, valued, and shared. In an era so saturated by social media, sharing an idea can feel like shouting into a void. You throw thoughts into a Facebook or blog post only for them to disappear in the endless flow of content.

Through Forty-Two, your voice can be heard. I want to work alongside you to turn that Facebook post, blog post, or passing idea into an articulate and fully developed narrative. I want to foster a community of writers who not only tell their own stories, but engage with others. Forty-Two is about so much more than content creation, likes, clicks, and shares. It’s about community and conversation. It’s about taking back the microphone.

I believe that everybody has a story to tell, whether it’s groundbreaking, life-altering, or just plain entertaining. All you have to do is tell it. So, come chat with me about life, universe, and everything.

To keep up with all things Forty-Two, make sure to check us out on Twitter or follow along right here on Medium. You can find Sam on Twitter here.

