#FSFblog 4 — You Are All Great, You All Deserve Panda Express

3 min readOct 8, 2015


Today is going to be a good day, I can feel it. So, I think since we are still in the early stages of this blog we need to address the main question here, why? Why am I doing this, and why did I pick a blog?

  • Note: if you are uninterested in why this entire blog exist you can stop reading now, but since only a few of you actually read the first three I’m assuming you somewhat care*

So why am I doing this? Why on earth did I think it was a good idea to get up early every morning and write out the first thing that came into my head? Well, the short answer is to grow the FortySixFilms brand. But, the longer answer is because I needed something to do in the mornings to get me focused, and push me to not sleep in. So this blog is solving a few problems. I get to grow out the FortySixFilms brand, push myself to be better, and hopefully entertain some of you that come to this blog.

Now, the reason I’m doing a blog instead of a vlog is because a blog comes more naturally to me, it is also way less time consuming. If you know me you know I watch a guy named Casey Neistat on YouTube. He started a daily vlog this year, and it’s a pretty daunting thing. Let’s throw aside the fact that everyone is totally going to judge you talking to a camera all day long, and focus on the sole fact of you have to be constantly filming. Then, at the end of the day you have to edit all the footage you have into something presentable. For those of you who don’t do or know anything about video production, it’s a lot. Do NOT be fooled people, I could do it if I wanted to, but there is a time and a place and it’s not right now.

I really hope this blog can grow into something and while the blog is daily we also are going to try to push out more weekly content on our YouTube channel. The theme of the videos on the channel will be like the blog. The videos will be creative, short, and well they’ll be cool so you should watch them when we announce them. In time the two will grow together, and maybe a daily vlog will in fact come out of the daily blog. But, we’ll see, as time will tell. For those of you who have stuck with me the past three days I give you my thanks. I like to think that these blog posts aren’t terrible. If you feel the same way share it with a friend or family member, or don’t it’s entirely up to you!!

Thank you for sitting through and reading this post which I realized just turned into an advertisement for FortySixFilms. There’s just some basic things you needed to know. Realistically this should of been part of the first blog and I should of just made that one a little longer. Oh well, there is not going back now. In fact I’m surprised you’re still reading this far, I haven’t said anything remotely important in the past paragraph. You guys are truly committed to FortySixFilms, and to that end we thank you. You are great people, you bring your country great pride. You deserve endless orange chickens from Panda Express. You are the reason the world spins on an axis. You sir (and/or madam) are great, don’t forget it.

