Our Story

3 min readFeb 10, 2015

We’re comprised of three friends (David, Gavin, and Michael). In 2006 Gavin opened up a YouTube channel. He posted paintball equipment reviews, along with snowboarding edits among other things. Then I got my channel (oh by the way this is Michael typing). I got it after I got my MacBook in the fall of 2010. It was sophomore year of high school. I posted edits of just whatever I found interesting.

Now fast forward to 2011. Gavin and I meet. We become friends. Fast forward to the summer of 2013. Gavin and I both realize that we like editing and video production. So we collaborate and make a few short films with friends. Now this is the big “last summer” before everyone goes off to college. After we collaborate on a few things I go off to college at Pace University in NYC and Gavin goes to attend school locally at Hudson Valley Community College.

Fast forward once again now to the middle of our freshmen year, first semester. I am absolutely hating my school (but not New York City, I love the city). Gavin tells me he’s got a great idea for a video project, something on the cost of college. A project that talks on how expensive it had become. So we plan this thing via google hangouts. Now the moment you’ve been waiting for, enter David. David had been friends with Gavin since the beginning of high school, and he had helped me run our local Relay For Life event. The point being, we all knew each other. David had begun showing signs of wanting to get into film so he joined us on the project. BOOM. That’s it FortySixFilms was born and now we’re here.

Just kidding. There’s more. If this is getting too long for you to read, then too damn bad. You’re already this far. You might as well keep going.

Now I came back for the Spring 2014 semester to attend a local school called Siena College. Dave had been attending Schenectady County Community College. So yes, we are all in the same area. The good old capital region of New York State. We start to plan out this cost of college video, along with a few other smaller projects. We had named ourselves Corkandd00d. That’s pronounced “cork and duuuuudddeee”. It comes from nicknames of myself and Gavin. Dave was alright with it, so we ran with it. We made a new channel, a twitter, and instagram. We we’re just trying to be as legit as possible. We made a few short movies that accumulated less than 2000 views on this channel.

After talking we decided to come up with a new name. We needed something less about us and more about where we were from. Upstate New York is great, and if you don’t think so then you’re just going to the wrong places. Now in New York there are the Adirondack Mountains. This State Park is home to 46 high peak mountains. This name was an original idea of Dave’s. We all took this in with careful consideration. Finally the name was changed. Corkandd00d was no more and we became FortySixFilms on July 17, 2014. We didn’t upload anything new on our channel until January 1, 2015, which was our Cost Of College web series (that’s right it changed from one video into multiple ones). If you want more details on how our Cost Of College series came to be, more specifics on things you read here, what we’re currently working on, and what we’re currently interested in then find us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. AND be sure to check out our Blog.

The name has nothing to do with the amount of films we produce or anything like that. Also, we have not climbed the 46 high peaks. We just wanted something that represented the general area we were from.

Today we produce content that is relevant, entertaining, and interesting. Overall we just want you all to enjoy what we produce. If you ever have video ideas for us, or want to work with us feel free to contact us using social media, or shooting us an email.

That’s all folks. Thanks for reading.

-Michael Corcoran

