Chemistry Guide: The Quick Guide to Acids and Bases

Forum E
Forum Education Guidebooks
8 min readApr 16, 2018

by David Phelps, Founder


To neutralize (titrate) a solution, the following must be true:

  • moles of H+ = moles of OH-

To get there? This is the role of acids and bases.

ARRHENIUS DEFINITION (older, for aqueous solutions):

  • Acid: Produces Hydrogen ions (H+)
  • Base: Produces Hydroxide ions (OH-)

BRONSTED-LOWRY DEFINITION (modern, more general):

  • Acid: Gives hydrogen ions (H+)
  • Base: Takes hydrogen ions
  • Conjugate acid: Given hydrogen ions
  • Conjugate base: From which hydrogen ions have been taken

Note: The acid and conjugate acid are not based on the same compound


Note: Amphiprotic molecules (like H2O and HCO3-) can take or give H+ ions, so use flow chart to determine whether they act in a particular reaction as acids or bases.


For Binary Acids

In a binary acid, a single atom bonds to the hydrogen ion. In other words, given the form H+A-, A- is a single atom.

Electronegativity Rules

  • Horizontally, rightward anions are electronegative
  • Electronegative ions draw electrons to one side of the acid, polarizing the molecule and leaving H+ on one side.
  • Rule #1: The farther right the anion, the stronger the acid.

Bond Strength Rules

  • Vertically, less bond strength means stronger acids.
  • When bonds are weak, it’s easier to break off an H+.
  • Rule #2: The lower the anion, the stronger the acid.

Polyatomic Acids

In polyatomic acids, polyatomic ions bond to the hydrogen ion. Given the form H+AO#-, AO#- is a polyatomic ion (almost always with oxygen).

Electronegativity Rules

  • Vertically, higher anions draw electrons from H+
  • Rule #3: the higher a polyatomic acid’s central atom, the stronger it is
  • Bond strength doesn’t matter: central atom doesn’t bond w/ H+

Additional Oxygens

  • Each new O draws electrons from the “OH” bond
  • Rule #4: The more Os, the stronger the acid.

Trick: Use electronegativity unless you’re comparing binary acids vertically


To determine base strength, just reverse all the rules above.


Two Definitions

  • A salt is formed when an acid and base neutralize each other.
  • Salts are composed of the cation of a base and an anion of an acid.

Acidic salts

Acidic salts are formed from strong acids and weak bases. They give up their H+ ion to water and form a base as a result. In other words:

  • Acidic salt solutions produce weak bases
  • Acidic salt solutions are acidic (pH < 7)

Basic salts

Basic salts are formed from strong bases and weak acids. They take a H+ from water and form an acid as a result, while leaving a OH- behind. So:

  • Basic salt solutions produce weak acids
  • Basic salt solutions are basic (pH > 7)

For Example

What happens when we dissolve NaCH3COO in water?

  • NaCH3COO was formed from a strong base (NaOH) and weak acid (HCH3COO), so it’s a basic salt.
  • It won’t produce NaOH in H2O since NaOH is a strong base: the ions dissolve.
  • But it can react with water to produce HCH3COO, which is weak.

The key points?

  • A basic salt produces a weak acid (HCH3COO)
  • A basic salt results in a basic solution since it produces OH-


pH = -log[H+]
pOH = -log[OH-]=14-pH

  • High concentrations of H+= a low pH = very acidic.
  • High concentrations of OH- = a low pOH = a high pH = very basic

Strong Acid or Base Solution

For example, HCl

  • Calculate total moles of H+ or OH- ions
  • Plug into pH = -log[H+] or pOH = -log[OH-]=14-pH

Strong Acid with Strong Base

For example, HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O

  • Calculate moles of H+ from acid and moles of OH- from base.
  • These neutralize, so take the difference to see how much excess remains
  • Determine molarity of remaining excess
  • Plug into pH = -log[H+] or pOH = -log[OH-]=14-pH

Weak Acid or Base Solution (aka Buffered Solution)

For example, HF or NH3

  • Forget about the salt ion if there is any (Cl- or Na+, etc.)
  • Write your equation for how the weak acid or base reacts with H2O
    Weak acid: HA + H2O ← → A- + H+ (HF + H20 ← → F- + H+)
    Weak base: B + H2O ← → BH+ + OH- (NH3 + H20 ← → NH4+ + OH-)
  • Write an ICE table. For example:
  • If you start with just HA (acid) or B (base), plug into:
    Ka = [H+]²/[HA]
    Kb = [OH-]²/[B]
  • Or if you’re given A- (conj base) or HB (conj acid), use formula:
    [H+] = Ka[acid]/[conj base]
    [OH-] = Kb[base]/[conj acid]

Weak Acid or Base with Conjugate Acid or Base (ie mixing a buffered solution)

For example, CH3COOH + CH3COO-

  • Use Henderson-Hasselbach:
  • If molarity of acid and its conjugate base (or base and its conjugate acid) are the same, then the pH will equal the pKa

Weak Acid with Weak Base

  • As long as Ka and Kb values are substantially different, only worry about the stronger one (ie bigger Ka or Kb)
  • Plug the larger Ka or Kb into:
    [H+] = Ka[acid]/[conj base]
    [OH-] = Kb[base]/[conj acid]

Strong Acid or Base with Buffered Solution (ie Weak Acid or Base)

Part 1: Reaction with buffered solution

  • Write equation for how the weak acid or base reacts with H2O. Again forget about the salt ion.
    Weak acid: HA + H2O ← → A- + H+
    Weak base: B + H2O ← → BH+ + OH-
  • Assume all the H+ or OH- from the strong acid or base will react according to this equation above.
  • Determine the number of moles of each compound after all the H+ or OH- is used. If H+ or OH- is not in excess, proceed to Part 2. If it is in excess, proceed to part 3.

Part 2: Reaction of buffered solution when H+ or OH- is not in excess

  • Draw ICE chart and assume 0 for [H+] or [OH-] to begin
  • Add x to H+ or OH- (and add and subtract accordingly)
  • Use Ka or Kb equations to determine H+ or OH- concentration
    [H+] = Ka[acid]/[conj base]
    [OH-] = Kb[base]/[conj acid]

Part 3: When H+ or OH- is in excess

  • Determine how many moles of acid or base are used to neutralize
  • Calculate molarity of remaining moles of H+ or OH-
  • Calculate accordingly:
    -log [H+]= pH
    14 + log [OH-] = pH

Strong Acid with Strong Acid or Strong Base with Strong Base (uncommon)

For example, HCl + HI

  • Combine total moles of H+ for each acid or OH- for each base.
  • Find molarity or H+ or OH- and determine pH


A buffered solution resists pH changes when OH- or protons are added

  • Contains either a weak acid and its salt or a weak base and its salt
  • These weak acids and bases do not react to completion, but reach equilibrium with their conjugate acids and bases
  • As a result, a buffered solution has basic and acidic compounds at once that can react with stronger acids or bases
  • Thus, a buffered solution can neutralize H+ or OH- ions to avoid pH change

Buffered Solution Definitions

  • Titration Curve: Graph plotting the pH vs mL of a solution as a titrant (reactant) is added
Note that the pH is greater than 7 in the titration above: this means that the base being added is stronger than the acid so that a basic solution results. In other titrations, the pH may be below 7 at the equivalence point.
  • Half-equivalence Point: the point in a titration when the pH of the solution equals the pKa of the acid (the point halfway between the origin and the equivalence point on both axes)
  • Equivalence Point: The point in a titration when enough titrant has been added to react exactly with the substance in solution being titrated.
  • Buffering region: The range on a titration curve when the buffered solution neutralizes additional acids or bases, so that the pH barely changes.
  • Buffer Capacity: The quantity of strong acid or base that must be added to change the pH of one liter of solution by one pH unit.


Goal: To determine acidity, we want to determinate the concentration of H3O+ or OH- produced from weak acid and base reactions.

  1. Determine which ion forms with H2O to produce a weak acid or base
  • The weaker an acid, the lower the Ka.
  • The weaker a base, the lower the Kb.
  • Cheat: Find which ion matches your Ka/Kb table of weak acids/bases

2. Find the Ka or Kb for this acid or base in your table.

3. Plug into this equation:

  • If you have Kb for weak base, find Ka (equilibrium constant for the H3O+ produced alongside this base).
  • If you have Ka for a weak acid, find Kb (equilibrium constant for the OH- produced alongside this acid, i.e. OH- + HCH3COO above).

4. Set the Ka or Kb value you found equal to x²/M

  • Long story: the x is [H3O+] or [OH-] derived from ICE worksheets
  • Short story: M is the molarity of the acid/base (usually the same as given molarity of salt)

5. Solve for x.

  • If you found Ka, x = [H3O+]. So -log (x) = pH
  • If you found Kb, x = [OH-]. So 14 + log (x) = pH


