Forward Motion Submission Guidelines: Let’s Read and Get Happy

Calling All Writers!

Debbie Walker


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Submission rules

Please make sure that the stories you submit to us are free of spelling and grammar errors.

We want your best writing so we can help you shine!

We reserve the right to ask you to make content changes prior to accepting your submission. We prefer posts that are less than 1000 words. If we notice minor typos or spelling errors after submitting, we reserve the right to make those edits. Please, no profanity and erotica.

All submissions must be in compliance with Medium content standards. If you aren’t sure if something violates Medium content standards, please contact and ask for clarification prior to submitting to us.

Before you submit any articles to us, please, please, please read this post and follow its guidelines. If not, you will be referred back to it by your friendly editor, me.

Also, another great resource for all things Medium is Casey Botticello

Request to contribute

If you’d like to join the Forward Motion conversation, please request to be added as a writer. To do this, send an email to and include…



Debbie Walker

Debbie Walker is the creator of Middle-Pause, STOMP!, & published a 3-book anthology. Top Writer Food & Diversity. Follow her at