Life After Screens

Hold your favourite glowing rectangle close and tell it you love it, because it won’t be here forever.

Daniel Colin James
Forward Tick


Screens connect us to our closest friends and strangers. They let us experience other people’s stories and tell people ours. Screens are how we work, play, create, and talk to each other. They bridge gaps in knowledge, time, and space. Screens are windows into other worlds and canvases we fill with the brushstrokes of our lives.

But they’re going to die.

I made this fake screen with my screen and now it’s on your screen

Rectangular prison

Our brains are constantly tricked into believing that tiny little rectangles of colour are actually words, pictures, and videos. That’s all anything digital is: an illusion.

Screens will be replaced by even more convincing illusions.

Our visual senses are incredibly effective at consuming lots of information quickly, but a rectangular form factor is inherently limiting. The world is not rectangular. We don’t experience the physical world through a rectangle. Why should we experience the digital world through one?



Daniel Colin James
Forward Tick

Software Engineer at Blackbird (soon). Infinitely curious. Relentlessly optimistic. Rarely serious.