Twitter starts testing ephemeral hot takes called “yeets”

Finally, a safe space for your most unpopular opinions

Daniel Colin James
Forward Tick


Twitter announced today that it will be rolling out a limited test of a new feature that would allow its users to post “yeets.” Yeets are like tweets, except they’re only for the spiciest of takes, and they’ll vanish before your followers can even finish reading them.

A yeet will appear in the timeline just like a normal tweet, except it’ll disappear exactly 2.4 seconds after it scrolls into view—just long enough that most people won’t be able to parse the entire tweet and see how obscene a viewpoint it espouses before it’s gone.

Yeets, a new way to share your hottest takes with little to no consequences

“Some of you tell us that you’re uncomfortable tweeting controversial opinions because those tweets are attached to your name, you have to defend them in the face of public scrutiny, and your reputation can be destroyed by a little bit of visibility into the horrible things swirling around in your brain,” Sam Bryan, a Twitter product manager, said in a blog post. “We want to make it possible for you to share those thoughts with less pressure and more freedom.”



Daniel Colin James
Forward Tick

Infinitely curious. Relentlessly optimistic. Rarely serious.