5 Things That Can Get You Banned From Facebook

Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2021
Things That Can Get You Banned On Facebook

By Manik Berry

Facebook banned over 1.3 billion accounts in 3 months to counter harmful or objectionable content. So posting such content is one of the reasons why you can get banned from Facebook.

The social media giant banned Donald Trump from posting content against its guidelines. Facebook also proactively removes pirated content on the platform. However, there are other reasons that can get your Facebook account suspended. Here are 5 things that can get you banned from Facebook.

5 Reasons You Can Get Banned On Facebook

1. Posting Objectionable Content

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Hate speech is a big part of objectionable content. It is also one of the things that can limit your reach on the platform. If you post or share objectionable content, Facebook may remove your post with a warning at first.

Facebook can ban you for continuously posting hate speech or other objectionable content.

2. Being Too Active

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It may sound bizarre but Facebook can ban your account for being too active. Facebook may think of you as a spammer and block your account if you share a lot of posts. Before you get banned, your account may be restricted for up to 30 days.

You can also get banned from Facebook or get suspended for sending multiple friend requests or messages. We don’t know how many friend requests are ‘too many,’ but if you’re trying to add random people, we’d advise against it.

3. Having A Fake Name

Facebook can ban you for fake names. This includes unnecessary capitalization or other words and phrases (e.g., HeArT sNAtcheR). Facebook may ask you to correct a fake name if someone reports your account for the same.

Facebook has a detailed dos and don’ts page for Facebook names. Follow those instructions and you’re good to go.

4. Interacting With Suspicious Accounts

Image: Unsplash

Having too many friends with shady Facebook names can get you in trouble. You may have many friends with made-up Facebook names. However, interacting with such accounts can lead to you violating Facebook’s guidelines.

It is so because algorithms usually see suspicious activities in clusters. This is one of the reasons you should check a person’s profile before sending or accepting a friend request.

5. Posting False Information

Image: Unsplash

False information may or may not be a part of objectionable content. However, you must double-check before you share something on the platform.

False information isn’t directly removed by Facebook. Instead, it leads to your account reaching fewer people. In other words, Facebook may limit your post’s reach if it is manipulated media or false information.

Also, if your false information is also objectionable content, that can get you blocked from Facebook. Moreover, it’s better not to post anything you know to be untrue.

Why Else You May Get Banned?

If multiple people report your profile or page, you may get restricted from the platform temporarily. You can also get banned for serious violations like hate speech or objectionable content.

Facebook may also block your account for repeated violations. If you’re hosting a Facebook page, make sure the content doesn’t violate any of the platform’s guidelines.

Pages reach more people than an individual space, so if you mismanage a page, it is more likely to be reported and banned. If you think your Facebook account is banned for no reason, you can appeal against it using a review form.

The platforms may or may not give you a warning before blocking the account. Also, if you did some serious violation, Facebook won’t restore your account. Everything considered Facebook’s guidelines are simple. The platform asks you to respect fellow users, add only the people you know, and make it a safe space for everyone.




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