Change is the new reality

Change is here and it’s harder than I thought

Dana Bice
Commercial Real Estate ViewPoint
2 min readMay 15, 2020


Change means #WFH in my new office

Change is hard

Right now I’m sitting on a kitchen chair at a makeshift desk, listening to construction noises as the breeze makes my blinds bang against the window. It would have been hard to imagine this even six months ago. Prior to #COVID19, I went to work every day, hanging with a small but fun crew, who work hard and laugh harder. Now, we check in periodically, but the daily interaction that I have come to rely on has disappeared. My work life, as I knew it, is complete different. Change is my new reality.

The struggle is real

I know I’m not the only one struggling with this. I’ve never been one for change, and I know I’m not alone! Teams meetings are just not the same as sitting around a table, brainstorming the next new thing, and coming up with better ideas together than we’d ever come up with on our own. I’m always the naysayer, by the way. It’s my role, so to speak. Someone way more creative will come up with a brilliant idea and it’s my job to come up with all the reasons it won’t work. It seems strange, but I’m the “devils advocate” of the group. And I love it! And I love the creative minds who come up with brilliant ideas. And I love the sitting around the table, brainstorming. And being separated is hard.

The blessing is real too

Having said all that, it is true that I’m luckier than most. I’m so thankful to have a job when so many others do not. Working from home is not ideal, but it’s an option for me. It’s possible to still get things done. I’m so grateful for a boss who checks in whenever she can. I’m actually getting the hang of Teams meetings, sharing my screen, and all that change entails. We are lucky to have the technology that makes this work. Truly, when I think about it, I am blessed.

Gratitude attitude

There is so much to be thankful for. Looking at this new work world from a different perspective is the key. As I adjusted my daily to-do list this morning, it occurred to me that it’s been missing something. It shouldn’t just include the work I need to accomplish that day. It’s important, for me at least, to include the reasons I have to be grateful. Focusing on that makes the struggle so much easier. And again, I’m not alone. We’re in this together, however long it may take. Let’s do this. Let’s everyday remember to be grateful. Change is hard, but, we can do it. We can embrace change, together.



Dana Bice
Commercial Real Estate ViewPoint

My job is helping people to find office space. My passion is helping people achieve their goals.