African American Content Creators: Exploited like Modern Day Slaves?

It’s time for that to change!

The official pub for FACE
3 min readOct 28, 2022


African American content creators are some of the most gifted and hardworking contributors on social media. They produce amazing content that is enjoyed by millions, but they are often taken advantage of and not given the credit or compensation they deserve. It’s time for that to change.

The Reality of the Situation

African American content creators are fighting an uphill battle. They are constantly being taken advantage of by people in positions of power who want to profit from their talents without compensating them fairly. This has been going on for far too long, and it needs to stop. African American content creators are modern day slaves, being exploited for their talents without receiving any of the benefits or credit they deserve.

Content creators who made their start on social media platforms have long been taken advantage of by the corporations that own those platforms.

For years, content creators have been content with sharing their work for free, in the hopes that one day they might “make it big.”

But as social networks have grown more and more profitable, content creators have begun to realize that they are the ones doing all the work while the social networks are reaping all the benefits. After all, it is content creators who generate the ad revenue that social networks depend on. And yet content creators receive very little compensation for their work.

It is time for content creators to demand a fair share of the profits. Otherwise, social media will continue to be a two-tiered system, where a select few content creators become wealthy while the rest struggle to make ends meet.

It’s Time for a Change

Enough is enough. African American content creators have been taken advantage of for far too long. It’s time for them to receive the compensation and credit they deserve. We need to support African American content creators so that they can continue to produce the amazing content that we all enjoy. We need to stand up and demand change, so that African American content creators can finally be recognized and compensated for their talents.

African American content creators are some of the most talented and hardworking people in the world, but they are often taken advantage of and not given the credit or compensation they deserve. It’s time for that to change. We need to support African American content creators so that they can continue to produce the amazing content that we all enjoy. We need to stand up and demand change, so that African American content creators can finally be recognized and compensated for their talents.



The official pub for FACE

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