Black Love is the First Family

Unconscious; the part of the mind which is inaccessible to the conscious mind, but which affects behavior and emotions. not possessing mind or consciousness. unconscious matter.: not knowing or perceiving, not aware.: free from self-awareness. Examples of unconscious events include suppressed feelings, auto reactions, complexes, and concealed phobias. Historically, feelings, thoughts, and responses that are outside of a human’s consciousness were attributed to a divine role in dictating a motive or action such as religion. If you are unconscious of something, you are unaware of it. He himself seemed totally unconscious of his failure. Unconsciousness can be brought on by a major illness or injury, or complications from drug use or alcohol misuse. Common causes of unconsciousness include: a car accident. severe blood loss.

Subconscious; of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware, but which influences one’s actions and feelings. existing in the mind but not immediately available to consciousness: affecting thought, feeling, and behavior without entering awareness. subconscious motives. a subconscious reflex. Examples of your subconscious mind include fears, beliefs, desires, and memories that you may not be aware of. But some of these can be accessed with some work, such as spiritual therapy.

Consciousness; the state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings. the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world. the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself.: the state or fact of being conscious of an external object, state, or fact.: awareness. especially concerned for some social or political cause. Consciousness is not a process in the brain but a kind of behavior that, of course, is controlled by the brain like any other behavior. Human consciousness emerges on the interface between three components of animal behavior: communication, play, and the use of tools. Consciousness arises from consciousness, or life comes from life. Where there is life there is consciousness. Consciousness does not originate from that which is unconscious or impersonal, and life is not a product of insentient matter. consciousness emerges from the operations of the brain. We are all connecsted by consciousness divided by belief.

She failed to regain consciousness and died two days later.

Black love is what the world benefits from; our creativity, our spirit and our conscious mind. Black love is the ultimate love. Black love is black pain, being programed to fail. No one would be here if not for black love. Despite the abuse black love has endured, it persists in exuberances. Plummeting from an 80% marriage rate in the sixties to a 30% marriage rate in the twentieth century, it speaks volumes about the state of black love; it is fading fast. It saddens me to think that in another decade it will be substantially worse. One struggles to see a society worth living in with the absence of Black love. In many cases, Black love is given to others before our own and rarely reciprocated. It is my opinion that black love is waiting for white acceptance when we need to be more accepting of Black love. Because in the event it runs out, we all lose as a society.

The purpose of the book titled, The Manual of is to examine Black love and develop a means to reverse the direction we are going. It starts with the Black man and the Black woman. It starts at home. It starts with understanding the need for one another. It starts with understanding that the world depends on it to have any hope for humanity. It starts with understanding that what we do in our homes greatly affects the world. We are the most admired and duplicated. We are the world’s biggest influencers. Black love is the greatest love of all. It is time to wake up from our spells and see the truth that will set us free. We can no longer rely on a belief with no facts to back up its’ claims. It’s time to deprogram and rely on what works. It’s time to get our homes in order. What we are doing is not working. We can look at our children to see how well we are doing. We are being attacked from all sides. The water is being poisoned. The food is being poisoned. The education system and social media are programming our children with lies. We are being bought out of our homes. The hospitals and medicine are toxic and poison. It is not a coincidence the image of a snake is on the side of ambulances and hospitals. It’s time to stop waiting for someone to save us. If we woke up and came together, we would realize we are not lacking anything. We have the best minds, bodies and spirits. Whatever we do the world will follow. I do understand the challenge of telling an entire culture that is under a spell that they are under a spell. Therefore, I give words with definitions so that when we hear these words it will make sense. When you hear the word “program” at church, on the radio and on the television, it will make sense.

America is a business, and we are the product for sale. We have wealthy black entertainers that ourselves and our children aspire to be like because they say they are blessed by God. But it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven. They give the impression that heaven is physical. But they are under a strict contract. They do not represent heaven. The closest we would get to heaven is in our homes, with a loving and supportive family. I also believe we are too caught up in politics. Politics is divisive and makes us pick a side and love for us is not on either of their ballots. Control of us is on both of their ballots.

Wake up. We are the world’s insurance policy.

The great Black historian John Henrik Clarke said it best: “WE HAVE NO FRIENDS”. Everybody benefits from the Black people except the Black people. Unfortunately, it is hard to get this across to most Black people. We (Blacks) are still waiting for white people to accept us as equals, even though equality does not exist. Then we have “knee-grows” such as Jim Clyburn saying that nothing is owed to us — just be good voting Negroes. The vote will not liberate Black people. It can assist in some ways, but it should not be the major strategy. Economic freedom is far more profitable. Black people spend over $1.3 trillion dollars in a year, which puts us in the top 16 nations of the world. Damn, we are even ahead of Mexico.

Black people only spend about two percent among us. Just think what could happen if we could spend a quarter, half, three-fourths of that amount with our own people. There would be no high levels of welfare, student loans, unemployment, lack of business, and most of all begging someone to do for us what we can do for ourselves. Why are there no factories in our neighborhoods to employ our people? We make music for the world, and we do not have factories in our neighborhood to put people to work. Most all the inventions in the world were invented by Black people and we do not have ownership of them.

Black Excellence

Dr. Henry Simpson, inventor of the cell phone

When you think about the cell phone, internet, GPS system, caller id, and other inventions, we are the world’s geniuses. Here are a few other inventions you may not have known about. The Rotary engine was invented by Andrew J Beard. The home security system was invented by Marie Brown. The ironing board was invented by Sarah Boone. The lawn mower was invented by John A Burr. Peanut butter, paints and stains, lotion and soaps were invented by George W. Carver. The pressure cooker was invented by Maurice W Lee. The fire extinguisher was invented by Tom J Marshall. The elevator was invented by Alexander Miles. The traffic signal and the gas mask were invented by Garrett Morgan. The fountain pen was invented by W B Purvis. The lawn mower sprinkler system was invented by J W Smith. The horseback riding saddle was invented by WM D Davis. The piano was invented by Joseph Dickinson. The toilet commode was invented by T Elkins. The guitar was invented by Robert Fleming Junior. The lantern was invented by Michael Harney. The kitchen table was invented by HA Jackson. The bicycle frame was invented by Isaac R Johnson. The air conditioning unit, the two-cycle gas engine, the internal combustion engine, the starter generator, and the refrigeration controls were invented by Frederick M Jones. The dresser for clothes was invented by John H Jordan. The refrigerator was invented by J Standard. The fire escape ladder was invented by JB winters. The telephone transmitter, the electric cut off switch, the relay instruments, the telephone system, the electric railway system, the roller coaster and the auto air brakes were invented by Granville T Woods. Blood plasma was discovered by Doctor Charles Drew. The pacemaker controls were invented by Otis Boykin. The programmable remote control and video commander was invented by Joseph Jackson. Far more inventions go to the Black Invention’s Museum in Los Angeles CA. All this is to say that we need only ourselves, being the original people.

We are the teachers, the ones who taught civilization. The fact is White people descended from Greece and Rome and stole everything they knew from Egypt. Philosophy originated in Egypt. Science originated in Egypt. Letters originated in Egypt. Egypt is the origin of Christianity. Mathematics originated in Egypt. Theology originated in Egypt. It was slaves that they thought they were bringing to America. What they brought are the core of the creators and innovators, doctors and the creators of the Gods and Goddess. We are the smartest people on the planet, specifically the black female, in addition to the black males that create and innovate.

The Slave catchers of the Americas”

European colonies established this in the sixteenth century, in the West Indies, later-to-be adapted in American colonies in eighteenth centuries, colonial Virginia and Carolina.

The colonial era of the United States saw the emergence of a law enforcement system modeled on those present in Europe. In the Northern Colonies, these consisted of watchmen, employed by private citizens to police the streets and maintain order. In the Southern Colonies, law enforcement was primarily centered around policing the large population of enslaved African Americans who worked on plantations. These groups consisted of both planters and colonists who owned no slaves and were paid by planters to search for escaped slaves.

These Southern law enforcement groups, which continue to be active after the American Revolution and the establishment of the United States, were created out of a need to maintain order among slaves and slave owners as opposed to protecting the interests of the colonists who owned no slaves. Many Southern planters were considered irresponsible if their enslaved chattel property were allowed to escape. It was a fear that more escapes would upend the system if not met with an immediate response. It was believed to be in the general interest of all planters to maintain discipline as to ensure the enslaved did not have the chance to start a rebellion. Many states allowed local law enforcement to enlist the help of federal marshals, U.S. commissioners, and other local citizens. This spread to more states with the ratification of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which required all citizens and local law enforcement to aid in the capture of runaway slaves.

Amhaud Arbery Feb. 23, 2020 — George Floyed May 25, 2020 — Breonna Taylor March 13, 2020

Amhaud Arbery Feb. 23, 2020

In an effort to nullify this practice, local government began offering law enforcement agents a greater reward for returning a slave to the South than that of abolitionists who were willing to pay police to look the other way. During the Civil War, these law enforcement groups met with great difficulty, primarily because most of the white men were off fighting in the war. With the men gone, the duty to keep slaves in line fell on the women, who also had households to run. Lack of punishment and a greater likelihood of successful escape caused more and more slaves to run away. With slave patrols stretched so thin, many slaves were able to escape, and were often aided by enemy invaders. Many of the slaves joined Union ranks, the United States Colored Troops, taking up arms against their former owners.

Revisiting American history does not seem like a distant endeavor. This feels current with religion and politics staying in code. Neither the Democrats nor the Republican want equality because both come from families that owned plantations with slaves. They don’t want to give up that false sense of royalty, privilege or face their guilt. They are sitting on the books that show who we really are and where our family derived from. Most of us have taken on the last names of our slave masters. They know what would happen if things were equal. Most of them would be behind bars, including white women. We would take over, like we do with everything we are involved in, and the ugly side of America would be no more.

Please help support the movement to bring fathers back into our homes and our children’s lives. It is a matter of life or death.

Order a copy of, The Manual of Man, so that I may continue to grow the movement. Thanks ahead of time.
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The Manual, Gregory Jackson, Spiritual Educator
The official pub for FACE

Spirituality is not merely a substitute for religion. Instead, it is a profound exploration of the essence of the human spirit. Self-awareness.