Gregory B Jackson, Author, Musician, and Spiritual Educator

Gregory B Jackson, Author, Spiritual Educator

Relationships work on energy, frequency, and vibration. Below a specific frequency, they are not successful.

Natural Healing is forever.

Healing starts in the spirit, the non physical part of a person. Our physical vibration is the result of the condition of the soul expressed. This is how we operate. What I teach is reflections, the mirror, the child. I teach the what, when, why, and how we got to the point of so much disease and mental illness. I specialize in men’s mental health because we are the family’s foundation. We need to elevate our level of consciousness. We need to understand the difference between making decisions logically and emotionally. When the family structure suffers, the world feels it. Our mothers raised 70% to 80% of us. 70% to 80% of inmates are from single-mother households. It’s not a coincidence. Being raised by only the influence of a mother is catastrophic. It is what lands most men in prison, their emotional reactions. Mothers are not meant to be the heads of households.

I teach men to understand the difference between thinking logically and emotionally when making decisions. As we raise our levels of consciousness, our frequency, vibration, and energy levels are increased. As a result, we are no longer interested in a partner, people in general, who are vibrating on low levels. There are people on every level waiting to engage, ultimately to show us where we are spiritually. A person vibrating on a high level does not engage with people on lower levels. Sometimes we grow away from people, including our relatives. People vibrating on lower levels are intimidated by people on higher levels. We can raise our vibrating levels by trusting in someone on a higher frequency, like a coach, spouse, or, parent.

Man is in the image of God; therefore, we must lift and praise man. We are what is missing between God, women, and children. God is the highest spiritual frequency, vibration, and energy distributed through man. If we men don’t elevate our frequencies, vibration, and power, which means learning from our trauma, we will continue traumatizing women and children because they are reflections of us.

Relationships between men and women have never been more divided as we continue to go in the wrong direction. It is time to heal and recognize what separates us and keeps us from healing one another. We need each other to survive.

If you are biblically savvy, what I teach lines up with scripture. If you are into science, my theory is scientifically sound. By coming together, we all have something vital to share for the betterment of humanity. What we share may come as a talent; perhaps something keeps you from giving yours away. Our gifts and our abilities are not the same. The gift is love. Talent is how we express it. Invest in your abilities to get the confidence needed to share your gift. What comes from the soul touches the soul.

Relationships work on energy, frequency, and vibration. Below a specific frequency, they are not successful; they are toxic and bad for health reasons.

We were lied to, and only truth can free us. Men and women do not connect for being on two different frequencies. Male and female frequencies are high when both parents are accessible for balance. Fear causes low frequencies. Frequency and vibration come from what we believe. What we believe creates our reality. If we think highly of ourselves, the frequencies are higher. If we feel not-so-good thoughts about ourselves, our frequencies and vibrations are low, and we attract likeness. Those within our inner circle validate what we believe. The duration of the relationship is calculated based on frequencies, energy, and vibration. When we judge a person mainly by their physical appearance, the course of the relationship is short. If you use a physical appearance as your main attraction, your frequency, vibration, and energy levels are low. It is manipulating. Everything is Spiritual. Two or more people in an unhappy vibrational relationship are toxic. They may be on the same frequency, but below a certain level is bad for health reasons. The phrase, “You make me sick,” is toxic energy. It’s real talk.

How to raise frequency, energy, and vibration levels

A simple answer would be to play the character of Jesus/Yahuah, a spirit of nobility, justice, and love for all humanity. This means facing your truths for better discernment of others. This means defining yourself by your inner circle of family and friends. The people within your inner circle are a reflection of your frequency and vibration levels. Are there many successful relationships within your circle of family and friends? If not, you are a product of your environment and it is time for change. For a woman, it could be submitting to a good man, and trusting his leadership.

The modern-day and contemporary alchemist actively and consciously practices to transform human conditions better. With an emphasis on the human condition, modern-day alchemy focuses on carrying out the ancient alchemical traditions on the human spirit rather than base metals. It works by getting everyone to agree on positive thoughts. The power is within our minds. To disagree with someone is an opportunity to grow.

What makes me qualified to teach spirituality is my experience, which is the best teacher. It works for me, and I am passionate about showing how it can work for you. The goal is to raise the vibration of our nation by ending single parenting. My first question is always going to be, how is the relationship you have with your father? There is so much to unravel from this one question.

Go to my website to order a copy of my latest book, The Manual of Man, available on Amazon. Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, tik tok, and Twitter. I have inspirational music due to be released on June 19 on Spotify, Apple Music, youtube, and many other platforms.

We are each other’s medicine. Until next time, give someone flowers while they can enjoy them.

