How the Global South is Recolonized?

Immigration, Refugees and IMF-World Bank-WTO and the Destructive Adjustment Programs

Prof. Hatem Bazian
The official pub for FACE


The global system we are all living under its burdensome footprint was formed within the poisonous bosom of colonialism. No idea, concept or even a rock in the fields of human existence is left untouched or polluted by colonialism and the ravages it visited upon the world.

Mind you that some are going to jump and insist that we should abandon “victimization” narrative and take our “destiny” in our own hands, which is an interesting idea that I am partial to if it includes all those corporations, banks, military industrial complex contractors (we called them mercenaries few years back but now they have become part of a growth industry and an investment opportunity), global north government diplomats and every other instrument that has been set to maintain the colonial infrastructure in the post colonial era.

Important to recall that at the start of the 20th century, almost 85% of the world’s land surface was subject to either direct colonization or some form of protected status. Africa and Asia were the private dominion of colonial powers with millions living and existing under the boots of pernicious colonial control relegating them to servitude, bondage and treated as mere ‘beasts’ of…



Prof. Hatem Bazian
The official pub for FACE

Executive Director, Islamophobia Studies Center. Professor, Zaytuna College, Lecturer in Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures & Asian Ameri. Studies, UC Berkeley