I AM Black and Beautiful

A poem by OpenAI, ChatGPT


Image, Courtesy of Paul Winter (Pixabay)

I am black and beautiful,
A sight to behold.
I am strong and confident,
My story is yet untold.

I am more than my skin,
So much more than they see.
I am fierce and determined,
A force to be reckoned with, indeed.

I am proud of who I am,
Of my history and my roots.
I am a survivor,
Unbreakable, unshakable, absolute.

I am black and beautiful,
A light in the dark.
I am a shining example,
Of strength and resilience, a work of art.

So don’t try to define me,
Or put me in a box.
I am more than a label,
I am a woman, strong and bold.



Jamen Mendes
The official pub for FACE

Author, Musician, Metaphysician, and Artist. I write about Crypto, Spirituality, Consciousness, Art, and Reality. https://jamenmendes.medium.com/membership