I Dream

Of Dreams…Poetry


Photo by Wolf Zimmermann on Unsplash

I dream of wonder,
of magic and peace.

I yearn for healing
the thoughts that won’t cease.

The things I don’t speak,
and feel their control.

The whispers in the night
that speak ill of my soul.

I only feel the pull,
the moment of letting go.

The time I try to run from
so I can no longer know.

The voices that try to pull me

My heart says, “You can’t stay.”

To shine out the night
and rock me to sleep.

My heart sings a lullaby
for a feeling I can keep.

To my hopes of wonder,
of life and serenity.

To allow magic to flow,
through love and amity.



Q. Imagine
The official pub for FACE

Author of Eeala and The Water Dragons and The Exhale Chronicles. Screenwriter. Poet. Lover. Dreamer.