I Wore Two Faces

Being Black in America

Patricia Hamlett
The official pub for FACE


Photo of Author by Jan Thompson Agency- Late ’80s

In the 1970’s I needed to look like mainstream “America.” So, when I graduated from college in the late 70s, I let my “Angela Davis” afro go to get the jobs I wanted and choose my teaching career path. As sad as it may sound, I know I went much further in my career looking like a “mainstream” American than Angela Davis.

Photo by Author

There’s a saying, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” As a Black American and a Black woman, that has remained true in many cases. I wanted my four-year degree to take me as far as I wanted to go. I didn’t want doors closed because I looked like a “radical” with kinky hair. So, I went with long, straight hair. Sad, but true.

Photo by Author

I could go on and on about the plight of Blacks in this country, but it would just be the “same song, different day.” We’ve had to work harder and show up earlier just to be considered somewhat equal. And as a woman, there is a double standard of beauty that remains in this country. When men (news anchors, actors, etc.) get gray hair…



Patricia Hamlett
The official pub for FACE

Formerly retired schoolteacher. I enjoy international travel. I taught school in Cairo, Egypt, for three years, and my goal is to publish a motivational book.