If we choose the path of Adam and Eve, chances are our children will turn out like Cane and Abel

(Time for Bible study)

Proverbs 23:6 advises one to,”Train up a child the way he should go, and he will not part.” The result of a child not trained the way he should go results in mass incarceration, homelessness, drug overdose, pain and suffering, controlled by the snake, the system, the matrix. To my understanding the Bible was written spiritually, filled with scriptures with us serving as the actors. Nothing about man’s spirit has changed, only the names. If we use the names of living people, we could better understand how the Bible was written. I also believe that since God created man in his image, the abilities of God are innate to man. Man is distinct to woman by way of his spiritual abilities. We [men] are natural born protectors with masculine energy.

An example of how we are the actors would be the story of Adam, Eve, and the snake. Keep in mind; the spirit does not change, only the names. The letter J was not created until 1524. Ponder that. Adam and Eve represent most families today in the US. The snake represents the system used to divide and conquer our families. As a result, Cain and Abel are our children killing each other in the streets. The story of Adam and Eve gives an example of what not to do to live in paradise, complete with repercussions. They represent the results, not the conclusion. The answer is to get back in order: God, man, woman, and children. The wrath we are experiencing today is the absence of God the Father, his love, guidance, and protection. It is not a coincidence that a child raised by both parents has the same statistical chance of being submitted by just their fathers. The psychological damage done to a child raised by only the support of a mother is catastrophic. The best way to conquer a nation is to separate a man from his family.

It is my opinion that Adam and Eve do not represent the first two people to walk the earth. They represent a situation regarding our family structure, written in spirit or character.

Spirit: the nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul. The story explains what happens when we are out of order. If God created man in his image, that would mean man is the closest image to God. The proper order of the family is God, man, woman and the children. The family that is not in that order voids the promises of God/Man. Our wants become more important than our needs, we cannot get enough rest, we are riddled with fear and anxieties and our children are out of control. We are looking to others in the world to fill our cup. Basically, we are void of the Lord’s prayers.

The story of Adam and Eve ends with being kicked out of paradise while their children are in the streets, killing each other in the spirit of Cain and Abel. It is not natural for a woman to have too much knowledge of the world. She was initially supposed to be a helpmate. She is to be protected because she is emotional, vulnerable and easily persuaded. Knowledge is power. She was designed to be loving, nurturing, soft and a place of rest. She is supposed to be protected and honored. It is through her many nations are born.

Man is the missing link between God and woman.

Please help support the movement to bring fathers back into our homes and our children’s lives. It is a matter of life or death.

Order a copy of, The Manual of Man, so that I may continue to grow the movement. Thanks ahead of time.
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The Manual, Gregory Jackson, Spiritual Educator
The official pub for FACE

Spirituality is not merely a substitute for religion. Instead, it is a profound exploration of the essence of the human spirit. Self-awareness.