It is more imperative that Men deal with our traumas

If not, we will continue to traumatize our women and children.

When a relationship works the way it is supposed to, it is ultimately because of the man, starting with our father. God created man in His own image.

When a relationship does not work as it should, it is ultimately because of the man, starting with our father. In the image of God, he created him; male and female, he created them. Genesis 1:27

Throughout the Bible, the name Father is mentioned along with the Son. Their relationship is imperative to the world. The relationship Jesus has with his spiritual Father provides the foundational doctrine for the institution of fatherhood. (WWJD) Such symbiosis is a sacred bond passed on from generation to generation; representative of eternal life. So it is not just a coincidence that the system targets removal from our homes, putting fathers and sons behind bars, killing, and leaving our Black and Brown women and children unprotected, confused, weak, and afraid.

Psalm 23; The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. By God, we are the Lord and Shepherds of our families. The Lord is the source and the Shepherd is the keeper of women and children. Man is the missing link between God, woman, and children.

Source; noun. Anything or place from which something comes, arises, or obtained; its origin. The beginning or place of origin of a stream or river. A book, statement, person, etc., supplying information.

When connected to the source, we have the truth that will set us free, knowledge of self, purpose, identity, an understanding of life, protection from evil, and our soul can rest.

When we call women crazy, bitches and whores, it is because we made them that way. Every failed relationship a woman has had with a man, starting with her father, stays with her, leaving it harder for her to love or be loved. Likewise, when our children are out of control and addicted to substances or irrational behaviors, it is because of their fathers’ lack of love, guidance and discipline.

Men are supposed to be the more rational being, the leaders, and the head of the household. The women and children that we create are a direct reflection of knowing who, what, when, and where we are in life. If our frequencies and vibrations are high, we are spiritually attracted to likeness. This represents a man with a vision and a purpose. If we operate on low frequencies and vibrations, we are spiritually attracted to women with low frequencies and vibrations. So this would be a man without a goal and no direction. How we lead our women and children is how they follow. If we cannot be 100% in a relationship, the percentage we are not giving will be reflected in our women and children, and it will ultimately end the relationship.

It is not a coincidence that a child raised by both parents has the same statistical chance at life as being raised by just their fathers. The psychological damage done to a child raised by only the support of a mother is catastrophic. The best way to conquer a nation is to separate a man from his family.

Most men raised by the influence of only their mothers are emotionally challenged. A few signs of emotionally challenged men are:

  1. Argumentative
  2. Defensive
  3. Verbally and sometimes physically abusive
  4. They don’t take responsibility for their lives or the women and children they have affected.
  5. They see women as objects instead of an extension of themselves.

Most of the males in prison are emotionally challenged. Whatever their situation landed them in jail, they could not see the results of committing the crime, even for routine traffic stops. Reacting irrationally with emotions looks like resisting an arrest by an officer, giving them the green light to over police, which sometimes ends in death.

70% to 80% of us are brought up in single-mother households. 70% to 80% of inmates are a product of single-mother homes. So this is likely the result of not being connected to the source. Women who deliberately keep their children away from their fathers, especially excellent fathers, will suffer tremendously, as will the children.

Ultimately, my purpose in this life is to end single parenting, especially single mothers, and it is my theory we start with men. Ending single parenting will change the entire world for the betterment of humanity. We cannot change the system, but we can change our understanding of it and understand how it was set in place just for us.

Please help support the movement to bring fathers back into our homes and children’s lives. It is a matter of life or death.

Order a copy of, The Manual of Man, so I may continue to grow the movement. Thanks ahead of time.

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