Karmic Lovers: How Our Own Karmic Energy Attracts Them

Nicole Caudle
The official pub for FACE
6 min readFeb 3, 2023

Have you ever found yourself in a relationship with someone who seems to bring out the worst in you, or who repeatedly challenges you in ways that are difficult to understand? If so, you may be experiencing what is known as a “karmic relationship.”

Karmic relationships are those that are characterized by intense and often tumultuous dynamics. They can be both challenging and rewarding, and they often bring up deep-seated emotions and unresolved issues. Karmic relationships are believed to be a way for us to work through past traumas and karmic debt, and to grow and evolve on a spiritual level.

One of the key ways we attract karmic lovers is through our own karmic energy. Our thoughts, beliefs, and actions can all contribute to our karmic energy, and this energy can attract similar energy from others. If we have unresolved karmic debt or negative patterns, we may attract karmic lovers who mirror those patterns and help us work through them.

For example, if we have a pattern of seeking out partners who are emotionally unavailable, we may attract a karmic lover who is also emotionally unavailable. This relationship can help us become aware of our own patterns and learn how to create healthier relationships in the future.

Similarly, if we have a pattern of being attracted to people who are toxic or engage in negative behaviors, we may attract a karmic lover who embodies those traits. This relationship can help us learn about our own toxic behaviors and patterns, and how to avoid similar relationships in the future.

It’s important to remember that karmic relationships are not always easy, but they can be incredibly transformative. By being aware of our own karmic energy and patterns, and by working through the challenges that arise in karmic relationships, we can grow and evolve on a deeper level.

How to recognize a karmic lover and what it may trigger

  • Intense emotions: Karmic relationships are often characterized by intense emotions, both positive and negative. You may feel a strong attraction to the person, but at the same time, you may also experience frustration, anger, or confusion.
  • Unresolved issues: Karmic relationships can bring up unresolved issues from your past, such as past traumas or negative patterns. This can create a sense of familiarity and a feeling that you’ve been in this situation before.
  • Sense of familiarity: Karmic relationships can have a feeling of déjà vu, as if you’ve known the person before. This is because the relationship is helping you work through unresolved issues and karmic debt.
  • Tumultuous dynamics: Karmic relationships are often characterized by tumultuous dynamics, with ups and downs. This can create a sense of unpredictability and instability in the relationship.
  • Growth opportunities: Karmic relationships can offer opportunities for growth and personal development. They can help you learn about your own patterns and behaviors, and provide you with an opportunity to evolve on a spiritual level.
  • Emotional triggers: Karmic relationships can trigger emotional responses in you that are difficult to understand. These triggers can be related to past traumas or negative patterns, and can provide insight into areas of your life that need healing.

It’s important to remember that karmic relationships can be both challenging and rewarding, and that they often serve a higher purpose. By becoming aware of these patterns and using them as opportunities for growth and healing, you can move forward in a positive direction.

How to heal from karmic lovers

In this case the “how” is just as important as the “why”. Know what you are healing from, why you are healing from it, and then discovering your own process helps you get through, just a little bit easier.

Healing is not linear, it’s not easy. I’ll be posting another article how the healing process can trigger you, how energy work can cause more problems before it helps, and how karmic patterns repeat until we learn our lesson.

None of this is said to scare you, but to make you aware of the fact healing is not as simple as mantras or journaling.

Below is just a small list of what I did to help heal from my divorce and previous relationship hurt.

  • Acknowledge the pattern: The first step in healing from a karmic relationship is to acknowledge the pattern. This means recognizing that you are in a karmic relationship and that it is repeating patterns from your past. Understanding this pattern can help you gain insight into why you attracted the relationship in the first place.
  • Work on yourself: Karmic relationships often bring up unresolved issues and negative patterns, and the key to healing from them is to work on yourself. This means exploring your own thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, and making changes that will help you create healthier relationships in the future.
  • Release negative emotions: Karmic relationships can create intense emotions, both positive and negative. It’s important to release these negative emotions in a healthy way, such as through therapy, journaling, or talking to friends and family.
  • Take responsibility for your own actions: Karmic relationships can be a reflection of your own patterns and behaviors. By taking responsibility for your own actions, you can learn from the relationship and grow from the experience.
  • Create healthy boundaries: Karmic relationships can often challenge your boundaries and make it difficult for you to maintain a healthy relationship. By setting clear and healthy boundaries, you can protect yourself from future karmic relationships and create a more positive future for yourself.
  • Let go of attachment: Karmic relationships can create an attachment that is difficult to break. It’s important to let go of this attachment and move forward with a positive outlook. This may mean ending the relationship, or simply focusing on your own growth and development.
  • Seek support: Healing from a karmic relationship can be difficult, and it’s important to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. This support can help you process your emotions and make positive changes in your life.

Healing from a karmic relationship requires work on yourself, acknowledging the pattern, and taking responsibility for your own actions. By doing this work, you can release negative emotions, create healthy boundaries, and move forward with a positive outlook. With time and support, you can heal from a karmic relationship and create a brighter future for yourself.

In conclusion, karmic relationships can be both challenging and rewarding, and they often bring up deep-seated emotions and unresolved issues. By becoming aware of our own karmic energy and patterns, we can understand why we attract karmic lovers and use these relationships as an opportunity to grow and evolve on a spiritual level.

Cue “Matching Tattoos” it’s an appropriate song for this subject.


If you are working on your healing journey, and recognize the patterns in your life that attract karmic energy, it’s not too late to change it. The trend among some spiritual practitioners to tell people they aren’t able to get out of karmic energy is dangerous and unhelpful to the progress of the collective.

Everyone has the ability to change.

Check out my book Bloom: Meditations for Healing Through Hard Times

Available on Amazon

About the book: Your healing journey will be full of highs and lows. There will be some days, you’ll feel as if you can’t see your way through the storm. These guided meditations and affirmations are designed to help you feel as good as possible, and to keep your mind from going into a cycle of negative self-doubt.

