Letters are characters…

Put together to spell words. Words spoken without character is just words


Character; a person in a novel, play, or movie. The way someone thinks, feels, and behaves: someone’s personality. Characters are also considered alphabets and all the punctuations and other phonetic variations. Letters are the individual alphabets, a maximum of 26.

Spelling; allure, charm, conjuration, and exorcism. Letters are used to form words in the correct sequence.

Word; a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed: a spoken word or form of words are held to have magic power.

Spirit; the nonphysical part of a person, which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.

Words have power when spoken. They are letters put together to spell something or someone to the point of reference for communicating. The amount of understanding and power put behind words is in our imagination. Words allow us to form ideas and images in our minds causing a reaction. Words can be tricky when misunderstood or not fully understood. For example, God is good all the time. From my understanding, God is love. Love is good all the time. But for some, God is understood to be a sky daddy that we all originated from. In that case, he loves some of his children more than others as he sits back and watches us destroy one another. That is not good.

When we come into this world, we are immediately taught words with minimal understanding of what the words fully mean, not understanding that words have several meanings. We are taught that there is power in names when they are just letters put together to form words for communicating. Most of us are taught how to communicate with words on an elementary level. Then we develop a belief around what little we were taught about words and their definitions, trying to prove them to me true. What we believe is life-determining. What a man thinks, so is he.

Program: a set of related measures or activities with a particular long-term aim. Is it possible that after so much programming of words, they turn into a profound belief of deception and self-destruction?

Why is it that the church reads the program before service starts? Why do television (tell-a-vision) and radio stations call themselves programming stations? How profoundly have we become programmed? Scientists study sounds, colors, and images that allure our minds for consumption.

Casting: molding or shaping. The art or process of making impressions or shaping a mold.

When communicating with others, we cast spells, good or evil, based on intent and how well we know our characters. The tongue is mightier than the sword. How are you using your characters, or are your characters using you?

Broadcasting: electronic transmissions of radio and television signals intended for public reception. To send out or transmit a program using radio, television, or streaming over the Internet.

Actor: A person who behaves in the manner of a character, usually by reciting scripted dialogue, to entertain an audience, especially in a play, movie, or television show.

Movies are art imitating life. Life is a stage, and we are all in the show. We are playing characters. If we understand our role, understanding that most things are an illusion, we can dictate a favorable outcome. For those that do not understand the simulation/matrix we are in, the character or role they are playing, follow the masses to self-destruction.

When we are acting, we are not being truthful. Some outstanding actors can manipulate believable words. The movie, Ray, starring Jamie Fox, was highly credible. His character took us into the spirit of Ray Charles. However, spirits do not lie. Trust not a man’s words. Trust the nature of man and your intuitions as to how to respond. Make sure his words are consistent with his actions. We all have spiritual intuition to know when something does not add up, or our spiritual rhythms are off.

We all have many spirits inside shaped by previous generations that are naturally called to present at any given time, good and evil. We call on the spirits of a mother, father, sister, brother, uncle, cousin, friend, etc., to name a few. Spirits are characters. One of the many secrets to a successful life is having the ability to understand enough of our characters for control. Are you a good mother, father, or friend; why or why not? No one comes into this world with a blank spirit. The idea is to find yourself within those spirits by using the reflection of others’ spirits within your circle. They are familiar. Everyone within your circle is there for a reason. They are our spiritual mirrors, telling us what we need to hear. When we are angry and lash out at others, we fight our demons. An old spirit is surfacing that needs to be understood. Emotions and other spirits trigger spirits. Children are God’s most honest and innocent spirits, teaching us about ourselves as parents. When we lie to them, we only lie to ourselves, teaching them to do the same.

Spirituality: understanding the center of our health and well-being. We are connected by consciousness and divided by what we believe. Spirituality allows us to understand how to connect past generational spirits to the now to understand oneself

Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth. Albert Einstein

What we believe determines our happiness. If you think you can do it, you are correct. If you feel you cannot do it, you are also right. What you believe is a mental impression, spiritually gravitating towards you, constantly creating your reality. We are a body carried by a conscious spirit. We are all connected by consciousness and souls, divided by what we believe. We influence each other through energy, thoughts, and movements. When we are no longer conscious, our spirit lives on through the consciousness of others, the generations to come, and those we have influenced.

We claim to know that we will perish for the lack of knowledge. And in the same breath, shut down anyone speaking the truth that will set us free.

My purpose in this life is to end single parenting, especially single mothers, and we start with men. God created man in his image. Mothers teach love. Fathers teach survival. Ending single parenting will change the entire world for the betterment of humanity. We cannot change the system, but we can change our understanding of it and how it works against us.

Please help support bringing the spirit of God the Father back into our homes and children’s lives. It is a matter of life or death.

Order a copy of, The Manual of Man.

For more thought-provoking content that leads one to question the many lies taught, follow me on social media and stop by GregorybJackson.com.

