Magnifying Your Silenced Voice

Never Let the Gaslighting Ruin Your Ability to Speak up

Blkpostr Health
The official pub for FACE


If you have found a way to mitigate through these covid storms kudos to your mental & emotional health. I am sure your emotional well-being has been in a state of influx and that’s ok. I think we all needed a change in perspective and shift in our worldviews.

Due to these many global shifts (Internet Explosion around the world, Mobile Phone Revolution, Climate Change, Cheap solar power etc.); our world is rapidly progressing in a way that may be disconnecting us from our inability to see value or enjoyment in the little things.

In my youthful days I was raised in an environment where I had no communicative control over my words, thoughts, and actions. I had this utopian vision of reality and yet lived in an entirely different set of rules and regulations. It wasn’t until I begin writing and making sense of my world that I learned to trust my voice and write authentically from the heart.

For me it’s in the articulation of our earthly experiences that grants me reprieve from blurred vision, heaviness in the heart, weighted eyelids, loss of appetite and slowed breathing. At some point we must start asking “What are these breakdowns, challenges, wars, upheaval, changes in our global economy and mass shootings supposed to teach us”?

The pain we inflict on ourselves, and others can often come from these global patterns shifts that are often unrecognized. It’s not a bad thing necessarily but it does require our attention. It’s ok at times to revisit the supply and demand of our personal economy. What is our price (Value) in this free market economy? How much of ourselves (quantity) can we supply with regards to the sale of our talent?

I recently read a book titled Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life “How to Finally, Really Grow Up by James Hollis, PH.D’; which explains that despite our best intentions we frequently find ourselves in dark moments. And despite the changes of seasons and our dispensation when it comes to overcoming personal challenges; nothing can spare us from as Dr. James likes to call it from periodic moments of confusion, disorientation, boredom, depression, and the dissolution of our best laid plans.

The Global Pandemic was a periodic moment in time that laid waste to our best laid plans. Now, with the “Great Migration” taking center stage it places America in a very peculiar place. The exposure of humanity a thing we like to call “Market Equilibrium”. Market Equilibrium is when supply is equal to demand.

And we all know that the job market has taken a hit because consumers learned how to survive without taking pay (accepting a bad relationship), based on the salary offered. It’s the data that will bring about a newly revised plan of action as it relates to balance in the workplace.

On a personal level its more about the appearance of our world versus what we actually believe to be true. Majority of mystics believe that what we see with our physical eyes is not the true reality of existence. Therefore, our fight to voice our opinions and get our message out to the world is more about the truth of what we are experiencing on the inside and not passing fads.

Plato’s Cave speaks to this reality by suggesting that we as humans are shackled by our ignorance of the true nature of reality, even though they are mere illusions. If we are to see the correct dimensions of our world as Plato suggests we must push out of our darkness into the marvelous light.

The allegory of Plato’s cave illustrates the belief that our perceptions are merely shadows of reality. The January 6th US Capital Attack and Black Lives Matter movement in my opinion are Gaslight Movements aimed at quailing your perception of reality. How many countries would have allowed an attack on their capital without severe punishment? These movements are reasons communism exists in certain parts of the world (China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, Vietnam)

The intentions by many may have been extremely justified but nothing came out of those movements. It is your voice that is needed beyond your workplace. The world needs a deeper understanding of reality. As a writer, researcher and education advocate it’s what I don’t read that grants me access into these new perspectives.

It’s when I am able to read in between the lines and allow time to educate my pallet; that I get the greatest revelation possible. I have read over 100+ books in my lifetime and written about 100 articles; and it’s I am still discovering the importance of communication in the age of digital technology.

Communication is this glaring soft skill that is often overlooked in a technology driven society. Think it not strange in 2022 that America is experiencing Entropy. Entropy is a measure of the disorder in a system. It’s this idea that the natural order of things tends to move relative order towards disorder.

The principle of Entropy holds that the chaos within a closed system never decreases, and that as the entropy of a system increases there is less energy available for work. The Great Resignation is not an accident. The energy that once created high levels of marketplace activity has dissipated. These disorders create new voices that has been silenced.

Many of you reading this article are New York Time Best Selling Authors; its just that you never thought about yourself as a writer let alone someone who could get paid for those creative ideas that swirl around daily in your mind. The Publishing industry as a whole is in a chaotic influx due to demand for new voices.

The time is now to magnify your silenced voice. Silenced is more about your ability to advocate for change that is near and dear to your heart.



Blkpostr Health
The official pub for FACE

Building Legacies through Knowledge, Power, Observation, Science & Therapeutic Regeneration (BLKPOSTR)