Mothers care more about what their children think of them, while the children care more about what their father thinks of them.

Mothers teach love, while fathers teach survival.


Seth, Dell and Steph Curry

Often, children avoid the father’s thoughts when given the option of choosing the easier parent. The father’s thoughts take courage to face, especially when not instilled from birth. When faced, all things are possible. Children care less about what their mothers think because there are no conditions.

Many of us have been programmed to believe that fathers are disposable, not as important as mothers, a non-factor, or that mothers can also be fathers. However, it is quite the opposite. The way we look at fathers as a society is the reason for the state of the world. Every fatherless household is a potential threat to humanity. A father’s love prepares us for life and is quite often rejected because it is compared to a mother’s love, which is unconditional. A father’s love comes with conditions. The conditions of a father’s love are respect and order. Without it, there is no protection. A father’s love is vital because we must know where we come from to know where we are going. I’m not talking about city, state, or country. I’m talking about our spiritual creator. We must understand what created us, how it operates, and why it functions the way it does. Our creator’s feelings about us control our central nervous system and health and well-being. Our confidence comes from him. There is no higher being than the one who created us. If we know him and know he loves and accepts us, we love and accept ourselves and act accordingly. Our journey through life is not a constant challenge of the same lessons because we are guided, assured, insured, and protected. When we don’t know of our Father or his thoughts of us, we struggle mentally, spiritually, and physically for whatever reason. He is our one true God in the spirit of a Father. And when not connected to our true God, the government controls the God we serve. Follow the money collected in church, and you will find the smoking gun. Why does God need 10% of our earnings? Our true God does not. The money collected is deposited into banks, controlling the currency that does not return to the inner cities. Church is a business requiring a 501(c)3 license regulated by the federal and state government. When we don’t have a connection to our God, we are usually part of a religion that talks about the relationship we should have with our God, but making sure we don’t make the connection. They aim to keep us separated from and confused about serving and praising our own God. When it comes to our true God, all we need is praise for him. And as our Lord and Shepherd, we shall not want and our cup runneth over, literally.

In the case of a mother’s love, the child learns that their feelings and needs are most important and never has the chance to develop their personality. Some mothers may have difficulty disciplining their children because she is fearful that their children will reject them. They choose to let them break the boundaries they set up. In these cases, she prefers to endure disrespect rather than risk trying to enforce limitations and make their child angry. This is a sign of a codependent parent. A mother’s love has been described as unconditional. But is unconditional love healthy? It is when the father also protects her. Absent of the father, it is not beneficial for mothers or children. Often, these mothers protect their children from fathers who set boundaries for their insecurities. And many times, these children end up dropping out of school, being addicted to substances, having irrational behaviors, or being incarcerated. For a boy, not knowing his father’s thoughts produce anger, and for a girl, it promotes promiscuity. Boys become more emotional, while girls become more masculine, creating love challenges later in life.

We use drugs and irrational behaviors to avoid facing God the Father

Codependent parents often have low-self esteem. Their self-esteem is dependent on if their child is happy with them. And if their child is troubled, they’re disturbed. While it’s normal for a parent to have hopes and dreams for their child, codependent parents take things a step further; They pressure and expect their child to live their life and achieve the goals that they fell short of.

An adolescent’s sense of identity is built through the choices and commitments that they make. When a codependent parent stifles the child’s ability to commit to their beliefs and values, the adolescent remains with a diffused identity and never forms their own. In addition, because parents are a child’s role models, children naturally pick up on their parent’s behaviors, including codependency.

Private prisons are government contractors. There’s a “bed guarantee,” where the government guarantees private prison companies over 90% occupancy in a contract. The contract states that if 90% of occupancy is not forefield, they must pay a fee. Citizens are punished when they commit crimes. The government is penalized if they don’t. The private prisons make their money either way. On average, prisons profit 74 billion dollars a year.

How can the government be sure that so many people will commit crimes? (Rhetorical question) In the U.S., single mothers run 70% to 80% of households. In addition, 70% to 80% of inmates come from single-mother families. Is it a coincidence that mothers are awarded custody of their children 90% of the time? I think not. This happens only in the US. It is also not a coincidence that Mother’s Day is heavily celebrated, while Father’s Day is barely celebrated. Single motherhood is assisting the government in keeping its part of the contract.

My purpose with this piece is not to shame mothers but to end single parenting, especially single mothers, and I start with men. God created man in his image. Mothers teach love. Fathers teach survival. Our children need them both. Ending single parenting will change the entire world for the betterment of humanity. We cannot change the system, but we can change our understanding of it and how it works against us.

Please support bringing the spirit of God the Father back into our homes and children’s lives. Men are the missing link between God, women and children. It is a matter of life or death.

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