

Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash

Keep on moving
For there is life in motion

Though, we are tired of the pain of injustice
Because of the color of our skins,
We rise because, life goes on

Despair and sadness, are saturated in immobility,
crushing heaviness, dragging down
depression and anxiety

Shake the rhythm out of isolation
Rock the weariness out ,of draining
tiring ,questions of segregated living

For we are rising
Colors and creeds, as one ancient historic family
Coupled forever as distant cousins

Begun from our- one African mother
So, all alive in nations, as brothers and sisters are irrefutably
moving forward, joined-Together.

©2022 Erica B Donaldson-Ellison

Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash

