Our Spirits do not Age; they Experience

The Spirit of love is that of a child


The Spirit of hate is that of an old, lonely and sick person

Spirituality understands that the more titles we claim take us away from who we are; Black or White, Asian or Hispanic, Republican or Democrat, rich or poor, etc., to name a few. These are divisions. It is not about the color of one’s skin. It is the color of one’s spirit to look for. Even the many languages we speak are tools used to divide us. We claim specific religions, streets, cities, states, and countries that do not belong to us. We are the world. We are the children. We are the ones to make a brighter day, so let’s start giving. We are conscious spirit with a body. We are each other’s lifeline and resource for everything. We are each other’s mirror and need each other to survive. Love is the medicine needed.

We are limited when we rely on our physical presence to maneuver through life. Our minds are limitless, and they can take us to places that defy time and space. Our minds can take us forward, and they can take us back in time. It can take us high, and it can take us low. One meer thought can change the world like a pebble causing a rippling effect in the ocean. When we change our minds, we change our direction. Our reality is constantly changing, which is a good thing for growth. Reality is where two people can agree. (Aristotle, Greek philosopher) Spirituality allows us to be the driver of our body, not vice versa.

I wrote an article, “If you eat a standard American diet, you’re going to get standard American diseases.” Food banned in other countries.

When it comes to health, If we separate the mind from the body, we will take better care of it. Our minds are like GPS, and our body is the vehicle used to get around. The body takes us to places that we imagine. I tell my kids all the time to take care of their car. Take care of them when there is a warning on the dashboard, when tires are needed, an oil change, or brakes. Frustration sets in when our car is down. Frustration sets in the mind when we become ill and can’t move properly. When stressed, the reason wears down the body, creating an illness. We would not put the wrong gas in our cars, so we should not put poisoned food in our bodies. Spirituality promotes consciousness. What we believe is critical. It creates our reality. If life is not going well and you are not getting what you want, you should start by questioning your beliefs. Your circle of people will be those with similar struggles to make you believe your reality is actual. Only truth will free us.

Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth. Albert Einstein

We are connected by consciousness, divided by what we believe. However, we are each other’s medicine. According to science and metaphysics, we consider ourselves sick with our thoughts.

Regarding relationships, history repeats itself because of not understanding spirituality. We navigate through life on emotions, significantly if only the influence of our mother raised us. We are creatures of habit. Before we were conscious, we were spirit. The road to consciousness started with God the Father planting a seed and Mother Earth nurturing it, like a fruit tree bearing fruit. We come from nature, and the apple does not fall far from the tree. We are an apple that comes from many generations of apple trees. If we cannot identify with the apple tree, we are an apple trying to be like an orange, peach or lemon, etc. If we have an issue with the roots, there will be issues with the fruits. For the most part, we parent how we were parented.

My brother mentioned that he was in a toxic relationship with a woman that reminded him of his mother. I, too, married the image of my father. He asked if he should stick it out to fix the spiritual connection with his mother. I answered him no because the relationship is a mirror to let him know where he is. I suggested elevating his consciousness, vibration, and energy and then going out and attracting likeness. It is not in our quest to fix wounded spirits. It is our journey to grow from them and experience new ones.

We must learn to make the best of the cards dealt. Forgiveness is vital because what did not kill us only made us stronger. There are no mistakes in life, only experiences. Life is a lesson, and we should always be students. When we learn the lesson, we go to the next level. When we don’t get the lesson, we must repeat the study, as history repeats.

One of my favorite movies is “The Butterfly Effect,” starring Ashton Kutcher. This movie is fantastic because it allows him to go back and change his thoughts for a different outcome. We may not be able to return in time physically, but we can change our thoughts for a different result.

We see more with our eyes closed than we do with them open. If we could not see we would all be in love. With our eyes open, we see distractions and familiarity because we attract likeness. What triggers one does not trigger another. We judge others by our own experiences and worldly standards taught. We buy into the rich advertising what heaven looks like, with prosperity being the goal, when heaven is a peaceful place in our mind. The happiest people are the family-oriented, those with less stuff. “More money, more problems.” (Notorious B.I.G)

Karma; the relationship between a person’s mental or physical action and the consequences following that action. It also signifies the results of a person’s actions in their current and previous lives and the chain of cause and effect in morality.

Understanding spirituality allows one to understand how karma works. Karma is spiritual. It is cause and effect. It’s not what we do to someone that will cause the impact of something happening to us at a different time and place. It is the fact that that is who they are, and spirits react to our causes. The mirror of a manipulating person is terrifying. Generally speaking, we automatically think that everyone thinks as we do. Therefore, an honest person believes almost everyone is honest, and that is their circle of friends. And an untrustworthy person does not trust anyone. Real people attract other honorable people, and liars attract liars.

The opposite of spiritual understanding relies on emotions without logic.

When we look at people in a physical form and take their word at face value, many times, we don’t get the lesson in front of us. The people in our lives, especially our immediate circle, are there for a reason. They are there to show us where we are, including our wives and children. They directly reflect who, what, when, how, and where we are in life at that time.

For example, the issue is within ourselves if we are angry at our wives and children and can’t get along with family members, friends, and coworkers. They are only a reflection. What we see in the mirror differs from what others know of us. However, they are the actual mirror. We are the common denominator of the issues we have with others.

Please order a copy of my book, “The Manual of Man”. Let’s grow spiritually together.



The Manual, Gregory Jackson, Spiritual Educator
The official pub for FACE

Spirituality is not merely a substitute for religion. Instead, it is a profound exploration of the essence of the human spirit. Self-awareness.