Religion is where Division and Mental Illness starts

The Bible was initially the Word of Love


What we believe is critical to our health and well-being

The Bible is a book of scripture, and we are the actors. It was meant to be exclusive to one family, with the Father being the most high until we were told, not shown, that there is something higher than him. We are born into a religion that teaches us that we are different, others are wrong and we must fear them.

Script; the written text of a play, movie, or broadcast, written text used in production or performance. : written characters

Actors; An actor or actress is a person who portrays a character in a production.

Character; a person in a novel, play, or movie. The way someone thinks, feels, and behaves: someone’s personality. Characters are also considered alphabets and all the punctuations and other phonetic variations.

Word; a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed: a spoken word or form of words are held to have magic power.

Program: a set of related measures or activities with a particular long-term aim.

Why is it that the church reads the program before service starts? Is it possible that after 400 years of being programmed with fear-basted words, they become a profound belief of deception and self-destruction, buying into a system where one must believe without proof? What a man thinks so is he. However, man can only believe what he doesn’t know to be true.

Spirit; the nonphysical part of a person, which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.

It is my theory; The Bible is a spiritually written book filled with scriptures and Man’s prophecies. The names have been changed. Man’s spirit has not. The tenth letter, J, was the last added to the modern English Alphabet in 1524. It is a manual for achieving love, peace, and happiness. God is love. The Bible is the Word of love. The character of Jesus shows the way.

“Listen, children, to a father’s instruction, and be attentive, that you may gain insight. Proverbs 4:1

The King James Version was rewritten for mental slavery

Over 30,000 changes were made, of which more than 5,000 represent differences between the Greek text used for the Revised Version and that used as the basis of the King James Version. Even though it has been rewritten, it is still a written script with added characters.

Let us turn to the book of Numbers 31:

15 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying…avenge the children of Israel. And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?

17 Now, therefore, kill every male among the little ones and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

19 And do ye abide without the camp seven days: whosoever hath killed any person, and whosoever hath touched any slain, purify both yourselves and your captives on the third day, and the seventh day.

The list of added characters

Crime stats for white males in America from 2019–2022: 69.8% of rapes are caused by white males, 59.1% of violent crimes, 70.8% arson, 61% of stolen property, and 68.5% of vandalism, just to name a few. If we were to focus on the one demographic that commits the vast majority of crimes worldwide, most would call themselves Christians. If we could get that under control, we would not need a savior. The KKK is an American-acceptable Christian organization. As many churches worldwide exist, why can’t we achieve world peace? We need to be saved from the Christians. Instead, we are funding crimes against humanity in the name of a religion.

Ephesians 6:5 and Colossians 3:22 — call on slaves to be obedient to their masters. “Bondservants, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not by way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord.

The King James version of the Bible was completed in 1611 by eight members from the Church of England, a European country north of Africa, just in time for slavery. It was edited from previous translations to create a version their king and parliament would approve of.

Richard Bancroft, Archbishop

Richard Bancroft, born November 2, 1544–1610) was an English churchman, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1604 to 1610, and “chief overseer” of the King James Bible. He was notable for his role in changing the spiritual book into a religious book, with efforts to ensure doctrinal and liturgical conformity among the clergy of the Church of England.

John Smyth, born 1554 — died August 28, 1612, Sturton le Steeple, United Kingdom, created the Baptist Religion in 1608. He attended Queen Elizabeth’s High School, Gainsborough High, in the United Kingdom. The King James Version of the Bible is covered by British Crown copyright, which was Queen Elizabeth before she passed. It is now King Charles.

On August 20, 1619, African Angolans, kidnapped by the Portuguese, arrived in the British colony of Virginia and were then bought by English colonists. The arrival of enslaved Africans in the New World marks the beginning of two and a half centuries of slavery in North America. The last slave ship came to America in 1860. Slavery was officially abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment, which took effect on December 18, 1865. These dates are significant. 2023, minus 1608 = 415 years in the King James Bible.

I don’t believe reading the Bible from cover to cover is necessary because every story does not pertain to everybody. The Bible is a manual, like what comes with a car. You only read part of the book for just a check engine light. After that, you read it for specific issues.

Concordance; A simple form lists Biblical words alphabetically, with indications to enable the inquirer to find the passages of the Bible where the words occur.

Here are a few examples of biblical character roles played in the flesh.

Deborah, The Judge, played by Ruth Bader Ginsburg (March 15, 1933-Sept 18, 2020)

In the book of Judges, Deborah was a prophetess of the God of the Israelites, the 4th judge of pre-monarchic Israel, and the only female judge mentioned in the Bible. She embraced the call to be a woman of wisdom and discernment. Deborah broke outside of her culture, not out of rebellion, but in obedience to God to set her people free.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court from 1993 until her death. She was the second female and the first Jewish female Justice of the Supreme Court. They were both female pioneer advocates for women’s legal rights.

The story of Adam and Eve shows us what not to do to live in paradise, complete with repercussions. But, unfortunately, they represent the results, not the conclusion. So the answer is to get back in order: God, man, woman, and children.

The psychological damage done to a child raised by only the support of a mother is catastrophic. I aim to end single parenting, especially single mothers, and start with men. God created man in his image. Mothers teach love. Fathers teach survival. Our children need them both. Ending single parenting will change the entire world for the betterment of humanity. We cannot change the system, but we can change our understanding of it and how it works against us.

Jim Caviezel is the actor who played the role of Jesus in the movie, The Passion of the Christ, Directed by Mel Gibson. The film demonstrated what happens to those playing that character. Caiaphas (Satan) played the antagonist.

There are many iconic characters and their stories written in the script; Adam and Eve, Moses, Peter, Paul, Matthew, David, and Jesus, to name a few, that we relate to. We can relate to these characters because it is the spirits we are living in today.

To play the role of Jesus Christ, one must be willing to accept the truth. One must be willing to die for the cause because we know how his story ends. One must be willing to stand for Justice for all and also feed and clothe people experiencing homelessness. One must also have a great relationship with one’s father, his creator.

The easiest role to play is the role of Satan. To play this role, one must act like a liar, a thief, or a killer and seek to destroy the soul of others. If you are waiting on Jesus to return to fix your life, I suggest playing the role to get the results. Look in the mirror and face the truth about yourself. The question is WWJD

We are the Bible. We are the true Israelites. We are the indigenous people. We are the Indians. We are the Kings, Queens, Lords, Shepherds, Priests, Bishops, and ultimately Jesus. God is love. We are also demons and devils.

Please support bringing the spirit of God the Father back into our homes and children’s lives. Men are the missing link between God, women, and children. It is a matter of life or death.

Order a copy of, The Manual of Man.

Everything is Spiritual; It’s not about the religion, it is about the relationship (Stevie Wonder)

For more thought-provoking content that leads one to question the many lies taught, follow me on social media and stop by

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