The Morals of An Alley Cat

Biden v. Trump, Round I

Personally and professionally, I’m not going to recap an hour and a half of listening to two old geriatric males going at each other on Nationalist television at CNN in Atlanta. Suffice it to say, Biden said he was going to “beat Donald like a drum” and did.

Biden put Trump in a box and wailed on him without laying a hand, on his own terms.

Tired of the foolishness and chicanery, I won’t even capture the wholesale boredom of it all, especially considering Trump — who does nothing BUT lie and swing dead alley cats at anything and anyone he feels like- can’t talk US policy without spinning his wheels with generic Trumpspeak. His thought processes typically have NOTHING to do with anything except the ‘loose alley cat’ thoughts blowing in the breeze in his head, and that means Trump substantively lost that debate.


On the other hand, when it comes to being a joker, pure entertainment for people who think drivel, consistent cussing and calling people out of their names is the kind of drama theater that makes him one who “keeps it real,” then Biden -even with his cursive verbiage from time to time- lost that debate. Biden lost on that curb appeal for alley cats, but then he was the right one to checkmate Trump, especially with that big mouth on both of them.

But this country is out of time and patience when it comes to gimmicky sales cons and trickery with reality show entertainers who are not financially or morally proficient or stable and just toss out “the best words” to make themselves appear to be what they are not.

Either way, this country is about as dead as the two candidates are if that’s all we’ve got to pick between [just because nobody else wants that job]. It is the youngest nation on the planet with the biggest mouth and can’t do better than a steam locomotive crashing into a trash container at election time. What does that say to the world about our progress?

Daniel 7:8 (TPT): As I was wondering about the horns, suddenly, another little horn sprouted up among them and tore out by the roots three of the previous horns to make room for it. On this little horn there were eyes like that of a man and a mouth boasting arrogantly.

They spout scripture to everyone like Romans 13:1 “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established”. Then don’t do it themselves. They had no subjection to Bill Clinton as President, barely had any to W Bush when he had to face the part of the United States that he had declined to see before 911, and absolutely NO subjection OR respect for President Barack Hussein Obama Jr. ZERO. Then-Vice President Joe Biden was nearly the only one adhering to scripture at that time.

Even the Republicans who ran against Trump were threatened and run off as his insidious daughter in law, Lara, usurped the nationalistic GOP and took over how things are done on behalf of Donald and not the United States of America. She’s doing a stupendously bad job right now, by the way; but Biden was correct for calling the shots and making Trump sit down and swallow his own bull$h!+ for a refreshing change.

For me, that WAS the point.

Forget the OLD MAN stuff — President Biden told Donald he had the morals of an alley cat.” He’s 100-percent right.

As to Joe Biden, right now, “He’ll do”. [Call me Cannonball and put me on the locomotive to the Shady Rest Hotel to see old Uncle Joe.]

I saw a Facebook meme today: Just because Batman is old doesn’t mean he is to be replaced by an old Joker.

As we wax and wane and watch these Southern podunk-ridden states smear their godforsaken version of the Bible and the Ten Commandments all over the schools, like it’s going to do them a bit of good (because it didn’t when they had them at home and in church and in a Gideon version in the hotel rooms across America), we need to think in terms of self-proclaimed Christians with the MORALS OF AN ALLEY CAT.

WHAT TRUMP REALLY THINKS OF HIS FOLLOWERS. _ Photo by Shubhankar Sharma on Unsplash

School Prayer? They Can’t Even Pray at Home and Get the Job Done

Alley cats are as alley cats do … and all an alley cat does, unowned, untamed, wild and feral, and loose and stray … is catch alley rats and eat them for breakfast/brunch/linner/and dinner, drink water out of gutters and trash cans, hang out with other alley cats night and day, and hump anything that moves, even if it looks like another alley cat and isn’t.

President 46–1 is very good at doing that. It’s his utmost area of expertise. If your prayers at home aren’t working, putting them in school isn’t going to change a thing. God don’t even force Himself on people who don’t want Him.

President Biden’s words should have made Donald feel ashamed, especially with all these criminal charges, convictions, and more upcoming charges and what is about to be more convictions. Donald only keeps causing the courts to put it all off because he thinks he has a clear shot at returning to the White House for what he thinks is a third term, according to his folks.

This US-nationalist ilk backing Trump is willing to sacrifice its own Constitution, it’s own 250-year old laws (give or take a few), AND its state constitutions, its military forces and its dignity and everything it allegedly started wars over … just for another four years of being entertained by the likes of a Donald J. Trump. Let’s just adhere to the TRUE BOTTOM LINE for them: A Black man was President for eight whole years -out of 250- and they nutted up and lost their ever-loving minds and are still not over it yet.

Every accusation of the GOP is a confession.

Purpose of Debate

The purpose of this debate was not to go head to head against Trump, who does not understand U.S. history or policy even after four years in Hillary Clinton’s seat, but to out his butt on Front Street and fry him. That’s EXACTLY what Biden did.

At least we know we have Kamala Harris in the event. Trump didn’t bother to vet a Vice President before this debate, and all I can say is either his plans are to bring in Lara Trump as his Veep-candidate, or one of his sons…perhaps the newly-vetted 18-year old high school graduate, Baron (Barron?). Others are apparently throwing themselves at Trump’s feet for the assumed role, and he doesn’t have anyone who is going to do him any justice right now. Yet and still, Biden quashed Trump last night, even if watching him do it was like “watching paint dry” as one Tik-Toker put it.

Now, we see for ourselves that Trump was put front and center to try and get away from his own sins and immoralities on live TV and he couldn’t.

Biden put him in a box and Trump couldn’t stick, move or go anywhere else to respond in his usual manner — like a willful spoiled child — all he could do is stand there and make trumpy-type faces, attempt to look like he was the “Americanesque underdog” in the situation the whole time he was muted and then whine, complain and talk sheer smack when his mic was unmuted.

It is now officially safe to say stray “Alley Cat” Trump has no plan for the United States except to hide from his own sins in the Oval Office while his self-made constituents smear biblical sludge all over the country that they don’t believe in or practice themselves. They don’t have a genuinely real clue what the Bible says to even teach it to anyone else, so all they can do is make a bigger mess of it than the one they already have. Many or most of the ones in the public eye do all manner of vice and sin and moral transgressing, then forgive themselves in the morning so they can start all over again.

Personally, as a woman of God listening to Trump or a Trumper who says he/she believes in God, holds the Bible in highest reading esteem, and dares to utter the word “Jesus” out of their gutter-filled vile mouths, I find the idea that the military is going to have to salute this mentally weak even-toed ungulate as he watches the world either laugh at him or toss his criminal behind out, utterly and shamefully disgusting.

USA, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves for even entertaining the idea AS ALLEGED CHRISTIANS OR NOT, that Donald J. Trump is trying to run to a hiding place where he doesn’t belong, making more than 300 MILLION in the USA suffer because you don’t have the intestinal fortitude, as people who CALL YOURSELVES CHRISTIANS BUT ARE NOT, to put him out.

This Sinner, this Don and John, can’t even run your churches and you think he can run a nation and a world?

He couldn’t even keep his thoughts together, let alone his multitudes of businesses, and spends his days and evenings doing nothing but bringing shame on the Name of the Lord.

If that’s an example of what these Bible-thumpers and Ten Commandments pushers call a Christian, I highly suggest that the entire United States do as the Founding Fathers once did, and turn their backs on them once again.

Saying the Name of Jesus and their ACTIONS in his name are two totally separate things. Satan shudders at that Holy Name, according to the Bible, but apparently Alley Cat Donald does not. At least Joseph is a Bible name, if we insist on being all that shallow and superficial. Donald — #NOT.

Trump also doesn’t think very much of the Republican Nationalist gun-toting loose morals lord and savior, his words or his biblical commandments — the lord and savior they worship who doesn’t give a squat about the rest of the world, but only about so-called “white gun-toting Bible-thumping Commandments-breaking evangelical Christians” in the United States.

The same lord and savior they worship bows down to the Second Amendment and overlooks the Sixth Commandment, and we’re all supposed to just voluntarily jump in and pledge our loyalty to that?!

I think NOT. As a woman of God who is a purist when it comes to the Bible, to scripture and to the Word of God, I am appalled at the very thought and the despicable deplorable idea of it.

2nd Thessalonians 2: The Man of Lawlessness* in Donald John Trump has arrived. And … there are too many people in this nation following him around doing his bidding and calling themselves gods of the testament and commandments of the Lord God, which is scriptural nonsense and false prophesying. If you want to know where all this is headed in the long run, read Revelation 17–19 for yourself.

You, or ‘They’, can always be the ones who uses Trump to help the U.S. get to the end of this. It’s coming regardless.



  • According to the Bible, the man of lawlessness will be revealed when rebellion occurs, as described in 2 Thessalonians 2.

The man of lawlessness will:

  • Set himself up as a powerful religious and political leader
  • Oppose and exalt himself over everything that is worshiped or called God
  • Set himself up in God’s temple and proclaim himself to be God
  • Use satanic power and deceit to lead many people to follow him, possibly including some Christians
  • Display the work of Satan through counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders
  • Cause evil that deceives those who are perishing.



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Writer/Author/Super-Reader, and old-school hard to impress fiercely independent journalist. “Older woman on life’s hamster wheel with pellets to drop.”