The Scary Supremacist Alt-Right Gave Trump Limited Immunity from Prosecution Except For …

The USA is Officially Fried.

The court ruled 6–3, rejecting his claim of absolute immunity from all prosecution but stating that former presidents have absolute immunity for core constitutional powers, but not everything a president does is an official act. But the decision does not conclude if Trump’s actions on Jan. 6 fall under official duties and it will likely be left to a lower court to decide that. — RAWSTORY

We also heard that Trump’s ruling and reigning SCOTUS is also overturning and “softening up” charges that were given to January 6th insurrectionists.

#BlackLivesMatter and anyone else of color who thinks you matter, too … next time you protest a KKK police lynching of an unarmed Black man, remember that your quiet lawful protest could be broken up by a Trump-type character who not only sends in agents provocateur, but with this type of ruling, openly shooting protestors at-will can AND WILL be considered an OFFICIAL ACT.

They don’t have to say it. You already know what that means. Whatever civil and Americanesque rights you THOUGHT you had you no longer have and it’s official and on record this time.

Get your passports ready, because it looks like they’re going to shove Trump back in the White House, meaning anything and everything you do as a Black person in the United States will be cannon fodder for a reprise of the 1870s Knight Riders. And don’t forget all the Black people who helped them -Owens, Donaldson, Carson, Thomas, Diamond, Silk, et al- that will help with your knowledge and understanding of how it is that our African and Native American ancestors and elders were captured and put into slavery from the start. Certain “Africans” weren’t innocent either.

Photo by Harrison Mitchell on Unsplash

If you don’t want that, you’re actually going to have to go vote and make sure what happened in 2016 doesn’t happen again, because even the misogynists among us are going to be wishing they had Kamala Harris, or even Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama in place.

President Joseph R. Biden is going to need a scorching 99% of the vote, whatever his age, to keep Trump out. Permanently. And then use his own OFFICIAL ACTS capacity and privilege to make sure nothing like Trump can ever arise again.

Once they are kicked out by the Voters, who need to do their Civic Duty and get them GONE, the laws are going to have to be changed where SCOTUS can never accommodate and support an insurrectionist again after this, be his acts official or NOT. Period.

Justice [Sonia] Sotomayor’s dissent speaks volumes: “Never in the history of our Republic has a President had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate the criminal law. Moving forward, however, all former Presidents will be cloaked in such immunity. If the occupant of that office misuses official power for personal gain, the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not provide a backstop. With fear for our democracy, I dissent.”

And to think, all of this outward negativity within them started because a Black man was President for four of 250 years.

Rather a Black man than a black-hearted soul, SCOTUS. This is on you.


The Hartmann Report: SCOTUS gave Trump Supremacist Powers Once He is Re-elected: Putin and Pooting

Hark back to the HARRY S. TRUMAN ADMINISTRATION for what the President’s OFFICIAL ACTS constitute. He is, at this time, trying to make and interpret LAW and he also cannot do that.

POST-PUBLICATION Caveat: Donald Trump has not walked away totally immune as he thinks he has.

He is right for trying to walk, wouldn’t you? But he should not. The Supreme Court can only render OPINIONS, it cannot MAKE law. So there are no laws on hand or in the Constitution stating that Trump has gotten away with his crimes, to be labeled as OFFICIAL ACTS.

The lower courts now have to be GRAVELY specific, as Trump’s charges are, and should not, be construed as OFFICIAL ACTS, perceived or real.

They are going to have to narrow the scope that what Trump did was seditiously conspiratorial, treasonous AND a dereliction of duty in presiding over more than one MILLION Covid-19 deaths that could have been prevented. Ladies and gents and all, the TRUMP PANDEMIC has not ended to-date. We just don’t talk about it as much as we used to.

Moment of truth, President Biden now has ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY to charge Trump with all of the above and have him arrested by the Department of Justice, with their only recovery being to outline, step by step, exactly why his acts were not lawful nor official, and were most definitely criminal outside of his purview as president.

Biden also has ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY to treat Trump as we did Osama bin Laden and send in Navy Seal Team Six to make his worst paranoias come true. Trump would do that to him and everyone else he hates, but for Biden it may be a bit extreme.

Bottom Line: Trump has not gotten away with anything unless all of these folks who make and preside over the LAWS OF THE LAND choose to label all of his current and future charges as OFFICIAL ACTS, perceived and real, and allow him to walk it off.

The Supreme Court cannot set the law, it can only “interpret” it; so those misconstrued applications are MORE than the action we all need to take Trump down and make SURE he doesn’t get back into the White House in November.

Trumps’ pledge and duty to protect the nation against attacks and INSURRECTIONS was defied and remains a matter of non-negotiable legality, and now he thinks he has total immunity to walk away from it.

He. Does. Not.



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Writer/Author/Super-Reader, and old-school hard to impress fiercely independent journalist. “Older woman on life’s hamster wheel with pellets to drop.”