Who’s Killing Who?

FKA ES Writer
The official pub for FACE
3 min readJan 16, 2023


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

I don’t want to be the childless person telling parents how to raise their child, but why do Black parents force their children to play with the police? I recently saw a video of two teenage girls dancing on stage with a group of police officers who happen to be in a band together. Fully clothed in their work uniform, they jammed on stage with teens who apparently once feared cops. A “wholesome” video, one could say and as a cop hater, it was nice to see black police officers and black teenagers smiling and genuinely enjoying each others presence. Yes, the race of the “blue lives” matters here because I’ve always maintained the stance that black cops are worse to black people than their white counterparts. That’s something I’ve brought up in the past and might bring up again in the future.

I don’t want to shit on happy/wholesome moments, but I have to keep it real. That’s why you follow me, right? The reason why those beautiful black folks on that stage jamming still triggered me a bit and not because the video “disproved” my anti-cop bias (I know that’s what you were thinking, MAGAt). I was triggered by the father’s caption. The caption detailed the reason why he made his daughter’s dance on stage with the police band. He did this because his daughter’s prior to this moment held ill feelings toward cops, probably because of their personal experiences with them, the behavior they may have witnessed their peers go through, family members or likely the real life videos they may have seen on social media. There could’ve been an number of reasons why these two black teenage girls felt negatively about police officers, but the father’s solution to have his daughter’s parlay with some local police officers to eliminate the “tension” between them is a band-aid on a bleeding heart.

Before you call me the King of negativity, hear me out. I liked the video and the pure intentions of the father. My problem is this was yet another example of black people being told/forced to turn the other cheek and extend the olive branch. I’m glad nobody’s cheek got shot this time around, but that doesn’t negate the fact that these teens, in a way, were blamed for the abusive/murderous relationship the American police force has with black people. It’s not black teens or black people in masses abusing and murdering cops. It’s the former killing the latter. If anybody should be reaching out “in peace” to black folks, it’s the police departments all across the globe, especially in the United States. Ice cream parties, jam sessions, pickup basketball, baseball, kickball games are fun, but systematic changes from within is what I really want to see.

Key takeaways.

  • If you’re afraid of black skin, don’t become a cop. Stay away from us. No amount of “cheek turning” is going to change that.
  • Stop making black people of all ages feel guilty for distrusting cops. Our feelings are valid whether you agree with them or not.
  • Cops, treat people how you’d want to be treated.

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