Who murdered these sisters? pt 1

Kia T Cooper- Erbst
The official pub for FACE
2 min readMay 1, 2023


Zi’Ariel Robinson-Oliver (9), A’Miyah Hughes (8), and Te’Mari Robinson-Oliver, 5
  • I first heard about these sisters not on the news but on TicTok and needed to know more about what happened.*

According to the news, the sisters death was originally considered a drowning after their mother received word via other relatives that the young girls had “vanished or disappeared.” Their bodies were later discovered in a pond not to far from the family home. It was written off as a accidental drowning.

Following the autopsy of the girls is was revealed that they suffered cuts to their faces and were strangled as well. These details were released eight months later when the police revealed that they had changed it to a homicide.

In one news article, it said that they( the reporter) spoke to the Cass County DA Courtney Shelton who allegedly said that “authorities knew they were dealing with a homicide soon after the tragedy but waited on letting the public know.However, they didn’t say why they delayed sharing the info and, unfortunately, they don’t have a suspect either.”

Also quoted in this story was forensic pathologist Dr. Joye Carter who said that “When you have a death, killing of three little girls, the community should have been notified very quickly. The investigators should be out investigating. They should be looking for evidence, draining that pond… In my opinion, there’s no excuse to have…

