Why Biden’s Fist Bump Diplomacy is Extending Violence on Palestinians?

Prof. Hatem Bazian
The official pub for FACE
11 min readJul 19, 2022


Biden, the “Emperor has no clothes” president, came to the Middle East, saw and approved of the ongoing Apartheid state, while unapologetically declaring his commitment to Zionism and Israel’s security (a threat of war on Iran included). Biden chainsaw fist pumps was for oil production increase and expanding Israel’s footprint through Abraham Accords in a regional tour that provided the needed backdrop for a presidency that is defined by lack of real accomplishments.

Palestine and the Palestinians are the ever present-absented in all these regional gatherings with the focus on how to bring about their total erasure. The real winner of Biden’s tour is Israel with Saudi airspace opened for all their flights in exchange closing the file on the chainsaw murder of Jamal Kashoggi. Don’t get worked-up about Biden’s fist pump and agreement with Saudi Arabia or Israel, since the US record on assassination, coup d’etat, death, mayhem and destruction is in a class of its own (Iraq just for most recent reference). How to think of Palestine and the constant machination against its people?

Palestine: A Gnawing Wound

Palestine, a gnawing wound eating away at the exposed soul and flesh of Palestinians living under occupation, is facing, yet, another orchestrated episode of Israeli military…



Prof. Hatem Bazian
The official pub for FACE

Executive Director, Islamophobia Studies Center. Professor, Zaytuna College, Lecturer in Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures & Asian Ameri. Studies, UC Berkeley