Why the Post-Colonial Global South is the Source of Immigration and Refugees?

The reality is that not all lives matter and the darker complexion the person is, the less valued and the less their lives matter.

Prof. Hatem Bazian
The official pub for FACE


Image from UNHCR

We are all in agreement that large sections in Africa, Asia and the Muslim world are in total collapse with many “failed” or about to “fail states” in these regions. Take your pick of a country to include in this category: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Myanmar, Nigeria, Libya, Mali, Somalia, Liberia, the Congo, and the Central African Republic to name the obvious countries but more can be added. Let’s be very clear that the quest for raw materials and markets for finished products is the primary cause for the continued disruption and made to fail global south by design. Don’t let the development “professional” class and global north sophisticated company tell you otherwise.

From Europe’s perspective the crisis of failed or failing states is strictly an internal problem to each state and the immigration crisis is disconnected from the long pre- and post-colonial histories altogether. What are the real factors leading to this fragmentation and failed states? Just as important are ideas of how best to remedy the root causes for a rapidly deteriorating situation across the globe.



Prof. Hatem Bazian
The official pub for FACE

Executive Director, Islamophobia Studies Center. Professor, Zaytuna College, Lecturer in Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures & Asian Ameri. Studies, UC Berkeley