Q#46: Life Expectancy

Suppose you’re analyzing a population of 100,000 people, and you’re trying to understand life expectancy. Within this population of 100,000 people, 75% can expect to live to the age of 70, while 45% can expect to live to age 80. Given that a person is 70, what is the probability that they live to the age 80?



This question tests our understanding of statistics and probability, specifically Bayes’s Theorem.

Bayes’s Theorem defines conditional probability as P(A|B) [probability of A given B] = P(B|A)*P(A)/P(B). Using this formula we have P(Live to 80 | Live to 70) = P(Live to 70| Live to 80)*P(Live to 80)/P(Live to 70). We know that P(Live to 70| Live to 80) is 1, because if you have made it to 80 u must have passed 70. Furthermore, we are given P(Live to 80) and P(Live to 70) as .75 and .45 respectively. Thus, the answer:

P(Live to 80 | Live to 70) = 1*0.45/0.75 = 0.6

