Testimonials for Rever: Unlocking Continuous Improvement by Activating Frontline Employees

Dustin Betz
Founder Insights
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2019

Rever is continuous improvement software for building a culture of incremental wins. The Frontline Management platform allows employers to unlock the full potential of their frontline: to improve productivity, accelerate innovation, cut costs, and engage employees. And yesterday, Rever celebrated its third anniversary as a company — congratulations!

Founded in 2016, Rever is a Silicon Valley Founder Institute portfolio company whose fundraising success includes a recent $2.25M investment from Sequoia Capital and Zetta Venture Partners.

Rever’s solution is partly based upon Co-Founder & CEO Errette Dunn’s embrace of “Kaizen,” a Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement of working practices and personal efficiency. Rever is the digital Kaizen platform for industrial companies, helping deliver immediate results while also developing a long-term cultural change.

But don’t just take our word for it — Rever’s own customers are gushing with glowing reviews! Check out the testimonials from some of their client case studies below.

From Problem Identification to Solution Implementation

Rever is a friendly platform. The capture of ideas with pictures and simple questions makes it easier for users to submit improvements and complete the cycle from the identification of a problem to the implementation of the solution.
This technology has helped us to identify more opportunities by easily capturing ideas in a phone app or website and reducing time needed to evaluate whether to test proposed ideas. We can now easily test our initiatives and see if they are worthy of implementation.

— Elizabeth Valladares, Operations Productivity Leader at Barcel

A Perfect Tool for Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing

Rever is the perfect tool for Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing. The app allows you to have a record of what everyone is doing and to democratize knowledge.

— Manuel Ramírez, Ventures Director at Grupo Bimbo

Rever is aligned to our Continuous Improvement cycle and our constant search to generate value in all our activities. It helps us to easily obtain and manage ideas from the operational level to all the managers. This way, everyone is taken into account, which strengthens one of our strong beliefs as a company: ‘To value the person.’

— Laura M. Pérez Vargas, Global Continuous Improvement Manager at Grupo Bimbo

Frontline Experimentation

What is so powerful for our team is that instead of getting lost in the analytics of trying to make a decision, we go straight to the experiment part. That speaks volumes to being able to get our frontline to help us solve some of our most challenging problems that impact our customer experience.

— Mitsubishi — UniCarrier Group

Rever lets innovative managers engage with their own army of improvers: empowering action and collaboration at the front line, and energizing your people towards a common goal. Learn more about Rever or Request a Demo, by visiting their website.

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Dustin Betz
Founder Insights

Operations at White Rose Ventures | Pro Planetary Preservation | AgroEco Design-Build Thinker & Tinkerer | DustinBetz.com