Founder Institute Amsterdam launches 7 new startups

Lorenz van Gool
Founder Institute Amsterdam
4 min readJan 22, 2020
Eric Burnik (vAIce), Inge Beerlage (Thrivest), Nande Konst (Euroglot), Juul Koene (AIVY), Sander Crombach & Milber Ferreira (Scribe), Wilco Wijnbergen (vesTTree) and Jeroen van Hasselt (Throwback Tales). Photo by Mike Breeuwer/Flickfeeder

After 3.5 months of hard work, 7 new innovative businesses have sprouted from the latest Founder Institute program in Amsterdam.

The startup accelerator program is one of the toughest in the world. Out of 32 applicants that started, just 7 have made it through the courses, coaching and assignments, each one filled with the necessary building blocks to make a startup successful.

Daan Weddepohl, CEO of Peerby, has joined Founder Institute as a mentor after being a participant before: “Founder Institute enabled me to launch my company. It’s great to be able to pay it forward and offer this opportunity to the next generation of startup founders.”

A packed Graduation Event! Photo by Mike Breeuwer/Flickfeeder

Startups in various categories

From the 2019 fall edition, these seven new companies have launched during Graduation Day on January 21st, 2020 at UNLP in Amsterdam. A packed room full of mentors, investors and entrepreneurs alike witnessed their pitch presentations:

Scribe, an online multilingual writing tool, founded by Milber Ferreira & Sander Crombach.

vAIce, a voice transcription tool for sales teams, founded by Eric Burnik.

Thrivest, helping young professionals start investing, founded by Inge Beerlage.

AIvy, a modular medical home device, founded by Juul Koene.

Euroglot, a translation platform, founded by Nande Konst.

VesTTree, helping people invest in real estate crowdfunding projects, founded by Wilco Wijnbergen.

Throwback Tales, real life gaming experiences, founded by Jeroen van Hasselt.

Great questions by the audience, but even better answers by the founders! Photo by Photo by Mike Breeuwer/Flickfeeder
Networking during the break. Photo by Mike Breeuwer/Flickfeeder

The night was enriched by two keynotes delivered by Amsterdam experts and entrepreneurs Jacqueline van den Ende (Peak Capital) and Caroline Glasbergen (FitShe). They stressed the importance of diversity in the world of entrepreneurship and investing while sharing some of their growth challenges in their business journey.

Jacqueline van der Ende (parter @ Peak Capital). Photo by Mike Breeuwer/Flickfeeder
Caroline Glasbergen (founder FitShe). Photo by Mike Breeuwer/Flickfeeder


All founders were supported by 30+ local entrepreneurs and experts such as Daan Weddepohl (Peerby), Patrick van der Pijl (Business Model Inc), Sjoerd Mol (Benvalor), Stefan Fountain (, Cyndee Sugra (The Werck Group), Sacha Martina (Bureau Zwart Wit), Maarten Lens-FitzGerald (ex Layar), Sjoerd Boonstra (5Miles), Ewoud Goorts (Floraccess), Stefano Cutello (Pastbook), Paul Braam (VirtuaGym) & Robbert Verwaayen (Keen Venture Partners).

We couldn’t have done it without dedicated mentors such as Sacha Martina! Photo by Mike Breeuwer/Flickfeeder
We couldn’t have done it without dedicated mentors such as Stefan Fountain! Photo by Mike Breeuwer/Flickfeeder

About the Founder Institute

The Founder Institute was founded in 2009 in Silicon Valley and is the world’s premier early-stage accelerator and startup launch program. For aspiring entrepreneurs and early-stage entrepreneurs up to the challenge, this comprehensive step-by-step program provides the structure, mentor support, and global network of entrepreneurs needed to start an enduring company.

In addition, the Founder Institute is the only program of its kind that focuses on people versus ideas, accepts founders with day jobs, and shares equity with all participants. Leaders of the world’s fastest-growing startups have used this program to transition from employee to entrepreneur, test their startup ideas, build a team, get their first customers, raise funding, and more. It has chapters across 180 cities and 65 countries. Since the start over 4,000 innovative businesses have successfully graduated the program.



Lorenz van Gool
Founder Institute Amsterdam

Crazy about innovation — Content & Marketing @ Space Business Innovation Centre Noordwijk — Local director team Founder Institute Amsterdam